Filming and Fiascos.

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A/N Hey guys! Quick Author's Note before you guys start reading. I am going to try to name the chapters like episodes of Austin & Ally. So like _____ & ______. Alrighty? Alright I hope you enjoy this chapter loves!!! Hasta Lavista!

We walk outside and get into my car and I drive Laura home.


Right when we get to my house Ross, being the gentlemen he is, opens the door for me and helps me get out of the car.

"Laur?" Ross says

"Yes?" I say turning around.

"Babe, don't forget that we have filming tomorrow. 

"Oh yeah! We need to tell everyone that were dating. Wait is it rehersal or filming?" I say.

"Um actually I dont know babe haha." Ross says chuckling.

"Alright well, see you tomorrow babe!" I yell walking into my house.

"Good night my love!!" My handsome boyfriend says.




Sorry I haven't updated in so long it's because of school and that crap.

Well now that it's spring break I will be updating alot. I have a lot of ideas and I am really excited for you guys to read them.

I am going to be doing the dialouge a little different! You'll see in the next chapter. Alright bye loves!!!


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