Good Morning Karasuno - Prologue

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Two boys walked to school together on a chilly day. The breeze ruffled their hair. The voices of kids laughing surrounded them yet they walked in silence. The taller, blonde boy had big black headphones covering his rosy-tipped ears; the latter had his nose in a book, catching up on some studying for his English test.

They entered the building as they usually did and changed their shoes. First class was English in room 4-1.

"Good morning class, we will be having our test today. I hope you all studied." The teacher gave a curt smile and began handing out the tests to each student.

She finally got to the back, where the two boys were sitting.

"Good luck you two, and Mr Yamaguchi, please put that book away."

"Yamaguchi's" face went pink; he hadn't realized that the test was starting, and he was not one to get into trouble often--or at all.

"Sorry, ms,"

He quickly opened up his backpack and put the book inside.

Next to him, the blonde stifled a small laugh.







"20 minutes left."

Yamaguchi was still hard at work; they all had to write an essay in English as well as answer grammar questions.

College level-classes are no joke, he thought to himself.

The boy felt his palms sweat and it was getting harder to grip the pencil. He still had a whole other body paragraph to go. He looked over at the tall blonde seated next him. He was looking over at the window--or was it at him?  Yamaguchi looked around since he was the one right next to the window and then his eyes met the blonde's.

Yamaguchi blinked.

"Do your work Tadashi," the other boy whispered.


"Tsukki, how are you done already???" He whisper-shouted.

The boy, 'Tsukki', ignored him and just started fiddling with his pencil- looking rather bored.

Yamaguchi shook his head and continued working.

Miraculously, he was able to finish 3 minutes before the teacher barked:








Yamaguchi shuddered as he remembered his experience during that test. Luckily, it was time for lunch. The first half of the day pretty much happened in normal events: English, Mathematics, Homeroom, and History.

Both boys walked to their lockers. They hadn't really talked all day, which was uncommon.

"How'd you think you did on the test?" Asked Yamaguchi.

His friend just shrugged. "I mean I didn't study, but it was pretty easy."

Yamaguchi furrowed his brow. "You're so smart Tsukki--everything you do looks effortless."

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