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Nathalie was bombarded with questions and reporters after the show, asking her about the engagement to Gabriel Agreste. But she ignored most of the reporters, having to agree to a few interviews. They finally made it home, and sure enough, the engagement was covering the news. It had already spread everywhere. While they were walking into the house, Emilie slipped through the gates.

E- Proposal Gabriel! Seriously!!

G- This is none of your affair, Emilie. 

E- Apparently it is!! Look at this article. 

G- Emilie, we have nothing to do with whatever the news has to say, now would you please leave. 

E- Why should I?

G- I own this house. Even when we were still married. 

E- You disgust me, all of you.

A- All-

E- Yes, all of you!

Adrien backed up to Nathalie and held onto her, Felix shrunk back against the car. Nathalie waited until Adrien let go, then she walked forward towards Emilie. Alpha came to her side. 

N- He's your son, don't speak to him that way. 

E- Who are you to tell me what to do?

N- I'm not telling you, I'm warning you. 

E- What are you going to do to me, bitch? Bite me? 

She threw her head back and cackled, Brandon and Rachel suddenly flew out of the window in a puff of smoke. 

N- I won't, but they will. 

B- And we'll make sure you don't get up. 

E- Go to hell! I hate all of you! Especially you.. you bastard!!

She pulls a pistol from behind her coat and points it at Nathalie, she moves it quickly to Adrien and pulls the trigger. Gabriel steps in front of him and catches the bullet, it still smoking. 

E- You are impossible. 

She raised her middle finger to them all and walked out of the gate. Alpha morphed into a human. 

AL- Are you sure I can't eat her? 

N- We could find something better for you, she's rotten anyway. 

Nathalie walks back to Adrien and Felix, Adrien had tears in his eyes. 

A- I can't believe she'd do that to you... to me... that's not my mother!

The boy began to sob, Nathalie's heart broke. Gabriel put his arms around both of his sons, as did Nathalie and her parents. Emilie heard him from the other side of the gate, and the whole way home, guilt had begun to weigh her down. 

N- Why don't we get inside? It's almost midnight, and you look tired. 

A- Could you sing to us before bed? 

N- Yes. 

They went inside and as the boys got ready for bed, Nathalie went to the office and sorted through documents. Gabriel walked through the door. 

G- The boys are ready, but is everything alright with you?

N- Yes... everything is fine. I just can't understand what happened to Emilie. She used to do anything for her son, and we'd been almost like sisters. 

G- I don't know what to say. I suppose people change, but this is obsurd. 

N- Yes. I don't quite understand.

G- So what's with the documents? 

N- I'm trying to see if anything had happened with her job before she'd been in that coma. But we musn't keep them waiting much longer. Do you have any idea as to what song we could do? 

G- I'll let you decide. 

N- Alright, I think I have an idea.

They climbed the stairs and went up to the bedroom, Nathalie sat on the edge of the bed and Gabriel sat on the piano stool. 

 After singing a quiet version, the boys had fallen asleep with smiles on their faces. 

N- I still feel guilty. 

G- What do you have to feel guilty of?

N- The way Felix was raised, and the way Emilie treats them now. She tried to kill them, Gabriel.

They walked out into the hall, Alpha was a tiger once again, sleeping on the foot of the boy's bed, since he'd insisted incase Emilie found a way to get in. 

G- Surely you can't think any of this is your fault.

N- If I hadn't have walked towards her, she might not have fired. 

G- No one got hurt, that was merely just a burst of outrage.

N- Because of me. 

Gabriel stopped walking and kissed her, she kissed him back. 

G- Listen, nothing bad could ever have happened because of you. 

Nathalie smiled, and they walked back to their room. They had several notifications on their phones about articles, and Emilie. So they look over at each other, having the same idea, they shut their phones completely off, got dressed in something comfortable, and jumped out the window. 

N- Where should we go tonight, papillon? 

G- Perhaps a moonlit run, my peahen?

N- Sounds perfect. 

With that, they ran out into the black night, but ran into someone before they could get very far...

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