greasers the socs and the sreasers

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this is mxm btw

traans friendsly bc im a nice guy + any race also racism/transphobia doesn't exist in this for some reason

y/n pov

I was waking down the street. I was cominh home from da movies. nobody appreciates movies and cinema like I do. Im so different. nobody knows what its like to be a filmbro. the movie I just watched ewas so deep. deep and dark just like my soul. I got out from watching psycho, bruh ngl Norman bates could kinda hit it. jk jk im not a homo sexual. or so I thought

I was walking home. im like the group that's the mediator between the creasers and the socs. we call ourselves the grocs. or the sreasers. anyways back on the topc of me I don't reallt need to worrty abt getting jumped when I walk home bc im hot and also not a greaser or a soc. so the socs don't jump me bc I have decent fashion sense and the greasers don't jump me bc I look like a soc. and im sexy bc I work out a lot all the girls wanna fuck me. anyways I was walking home and I saw the soc car/ even tho they don't jump me and shit I always panic. "I wonder if the greasers are fonna get beat up today". I felt awful. survivors guilt or something idk wha t they call it. I could pass as a soc. I had an idea.

"hey boys!" I yelled to the socs in the car. "whats up fellow socs?" they all looked at me. one fat one in the passengers seat was like "whaddya want ?" "whatcha doing" I said

"we are gonna go jump some greasers" the fat guy said

"oh sweet can I join??" I inquired. I was so smart omg I thought. I was gonna save one of the graasers. jk I was honna just watch or something idkwhat I was gonna do. I was lowkey high atm so that's prollu why I wasn't thinking straight.

"sure bro" thye said. "jump in da car"

I jumped in the car. they were playing some rolling stones song or something idk which one. I dkdnt know what I was doing. the movies has an effect on u sometimes. anyway we were driving. and the one guuy (not the fat one) was like "o m g! I see a greaser lets go jump him lmao." iwas nervous. I had thought about just breating the socs up and showing them who was boss. but I was starting to come to my senses andt they would beat the living shit out of me. I had nothing to fo excpt beat up the greaser.

"there he is! lets go get him!!"

they all jumped out of the car, leaving me behind. I was bouuta cry. I felt so bad. what do I do??? then I remembererd what one of my moms told me. she told me "if u see someone about to get jumped by fat blonde white kids, always fight them off. its the nice thing to do and its how I met yout mother." I don't think she said that considering she met my other mom at the park feeding birds and then they literalyy fell in love instantly bc that's how gay people work, but it was something along those lines. but I was going to save the greaser anyway.

"hey greaseman. do u wanna get ur ass beaten up??"

I could see him shaking. I felt so bad but I was fgonna do something. my moms wpuld make me. I got out and grabbed a whole ass gun that these guys had in there car. I got out pretending to join them.

"we are gonna beat the shit ouuta u. check out these rings bitch, we are gonn a fuck u the fuck up." he flexed these fruity ass rings he had on his hand. "say bye to ur teeth"

they pinne d him to the ground. they started to almost punch him and I go over there like a boss and hold oit t=a fucking gun.

"stop now or ill shoot all of u guys"

"joke s on u dumb ass the guns unloaded hahahahahha" this one skinny pimply guy said

"then ill pistol whip u" I pulled up my sleeve to reveal by buff arms. im so fucking buff. they kew that id kill them if they fogut me. they startdefd to bafck up.

"hahaha just kidding we weren't gonna beat himn up right hahahaha" they begsan to run . I chased after them a bit to make sure they didn't come back. they were so scared they forgot hyere fucking car.

I walked over to the gfuy. he was lowkey cute. . but im not gay I tells you.

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