Chapter One

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 Scarlett's Pov:

   I closed my locker quickly almost being late for 5th period. "Hurry up will you, you're going to make us late." A tall brunette boy announced while staring at me annoyed. I sighed and adjusted my bag over my shoulder. "Yes I'm aware dude, just relax." I respond back and walk to him. 

     He sighs and starts walking as I slowly follow behind. "No wonder mom calls you a sloth." He commented. I roll my eyes and shove him. I crossed my arms afterward annoyed. "Yeah well, mom calls you a pain in the ass so you're one to talk," I remark. He chuckles a bit and then checks his phone. "You got me there, well this is my class so bye. See ya." He admitted entering the room. 

         I take a turn down another hall only to hear the bell ring. " Fuck. " I muttered under my breath. I ran down the hall stopping in the middle to enter my current class. I took a deep breath in and then fixed my bag. Entering the room I immediately felt the teacher's glare. "Scarlett. You're late ." The teacher announced crossing his arms. I headed to my seat and set down my bag. "I expect you have a pass?" He added preparing papers to pass out. " No sir. " I responded. 

        He sighs and doesn't say anything back pulling up today's lesson plan on the board. It's on a PowerPoint today, unlike normal days where it's just on a notepad. I honestly wonder what this man has planned today. Too bad I don't wonder enough to listen. I reach into my bag and grab my phone. 

        Once I opened my phone I got onto Snapchat and did my streaks. I responded to some friends who of course are additionally in class. Some in the current one I'm in but the majority aren't. It's mostly hard when they speak about weird things not to look at them with judgment however if I do the teacher always catches on. It's just a magic ability I suppose.

       This goes on for some time that was until the teacher announced "And this project will be done with a partner." The moment he said that the majority of people looked at one of their friends. So I looked at my friend Sasha who I had been texting. "But I will be choosing them." He added. That was followed by plenty of sighs around the room. I got back on my phone as he started to call out names. 

      After some time I hear these very words "and Scarlett Johson with Abigail Spencer ." Mr. Greene says looking at me directly. Abigail. We used to be very close friends. Let me rephrase that best friends. That was until middle school. She came out as bi and made other friends. So I wouldn't say we aren't friends, but we aren't close anymore. 

       "You may now get into your groups, and please work quietly ." The man added. Abigail started to walk toward me. She definitely dressed differently than when we last talked. No more pink unicorn shirts with jeans. She was more how do I put this, an adult? No, she just was different. She wore a crop top with a flannel button-up around her waist with ripped cuffed jeans. 

      "Long time no see huh?" The short-haired brunette girl joked whilst sitting down next to me. "Very long, we haven't talked since like what 6th? 7th grade?" I replied. Somehow it felt like no time had passed, the only thing that was different was how we looked and sounded. Like we were kids again. She laughed a little then pulled out her computer. 

       "Okay, I'm sorry but I wasn't listening to a thing he said so what did he say we were doing?" I ask feeling stupid.

      " You still haven't gotten out of not listening? How have you survived without me so far? " She remarked then let out a small laugh.

      "I was hungry okayyyy, it's not easy to listen with an empty stomach." I groaned. She sighed and smiled then reached into her bag.

      " What are you doing? " I ask as she dug through her bag. "Wait just a second alright?" She replied pulling out a little plastic bag filled up with Apple slices. 

     "Here eat up and I'll explain alright?" She spoke and then started to explain. I reached into the bag and pulled one out and took a bite. It was a sweet apple pure white apple.

  Saturday, June 25th, 2011...  

    Abigail's mother set down two plates of Apple slices, a ham sandwich, and a small side of peanut butter. One for each of us. I immediately took a bite of an apple slice. It was sweet, soft, and easy to bite into. 

    "These are really good, thank you miss!" I exclaimed taking another bite. " Of course honey. " Abigail's mother replied walking away to the kitchen to finish her wine. "Okay so like purple or blue?" The young girl asked pushing up her glasses. "Hmmm, blue," I replied.

      Then she exclaimed these very words "Perfect! We are going to be friends forever! Okay?" I nod my head quickly and reply "Of course! Best friends forever! " 

           Current day...

      "Hello? You there? Earth to Scarlett? " a somewhat annoyed voice inquired. "Hm? Oh yeah sorry, I just was uhm thinking about something." I responded. She took away her hand that was just waving in my face and sighed.

     She takes her computer and turns it so it's easier for me to read. "Now do you understand? Or did you zone out the whole time?" She asks looking me in the eyes to try and make sure I don't lie. I cross my arms and look around the room. "I do." I lie not wanting to bother her to explain again. 

  She lets out a small laugh confusing me. "You don't do you?" She attempts to speak without laughing. "I don't but there's no need to laugh at me for it." I defend myself. She keeps laughing They take a breath wiping her years from laughing too hard. 

        "No no it's not that I'm sorry but remember that science project we did in 5th grade. I explained 5 times and you still didn't understand so you just lied about it? And then tried to put in the chemical but ended up making a foam snake explosion. I just remembered it and I'm sorry. " she said having a hard time talking. 

   And with the flashback of that memory, I burst into laughter. "It got all over the room! And our hair too!" I exclaimed through laughter. 

     " I had to take like 5 showers to get it all out. " She admitted smiling. It has as if nothing changed at all, isn't it? " I got in sooo much trouble for that. " I reply calming down. We were still laughing for a while just not enough to cut off our oxygen supply. "Girls! If you're going to goof off you can do that in detention!" Mr. Greene demanded. "Sorry, sir." Abigail apologized. She looked at me snickered and smiled. I missed this. I missed us. 

       "Okay but really let's get to work, I'll explain it again." She says with a big smile. 

The end of chapter one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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