My POV ( at the police station)
Lots of people have gathered to help on the search for Daisia.Me: thank you all for coming it means a lot to us
Juliana: yes it does thank yo-( bursts into tears and runs off stage)
Police officer 1&2: don't worry continue we'll check on her.
Me: thank you now does anyone have any questions that they have prepared?
5 people raise their hand
Person 1: who was she kidnapped by?
Me: a strange guy name MitchellPerson 2: where was she kidnapped?
Me: in a hospital
Person 2: A HOSPITAL?!?
Me: yes a hospital
Person 3: what does she look like?
Me: light brown skin, dark curly hair and greenish brown eyes.
Person 4: does Mitchell have children?
Me: I have no background knowledge on that questionJuliana comes onto stage
Juliana: can I answer the next question?
Me: yes, go ahead
Person 5: why was she in the hospital in the first place?
Juliana: she was being treated for gunshot wounds which Mitchell caused.Me: now that our questions are over let's begin our search.
Juliana: Good luck to us!!
Sorry if it was boring I'm kinda short on ideas now (^_^)
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Accidents Happen *COMPLETED*
Mystery / ThrillerThis story Is about a girl named Daisia and her friends. it starts off as a normal day at the fair but it soon turns into more. Read the sequel to this book called "Continuing my life"