Tomura Shigaraki

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•you guys met when he first attacked class 1a You were one of the teachers at the time, after seeing the damage the league could do, especially shigaraki when they went to leave out of nowhere you jumped into kurogiri's portal after them while everyone shouted after you

•after a while with the league shigaraki decided to trust you enough to tell you about his past after he was done you hugged him tightly while crying, ever since then he had this weird feeling every time he seen you

•your dates had to be at night considering the fact that you were both villains

•you got him special gloves so that he wouldn't have to worry about hurting you all the time which made him so happy

•your the first person he's ever loved so you have to help him through the relationship sometimes and he's so happy that you don't give up on him

•when you guys attack 1a he always makes sure to keep you as close to him as possible because if he lost you he wouldn't be able to handle it he would shut down completely and probably use his quirk on himself the whole league knows this so while they attack they also protect you as much as possible and keep a close eye on you along with shigaraki

•he absolutely loves it when you cuddle with him and play with his hair whenever you guys just lay there he never wants to leave he just wants to keep you this close forever because due to his past he's terrified that one day he'll hurt you like he did his family or you'll decide to leave him

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