Chapter 1

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Kim Taehyung's hair is even softer than it looks.

It goes down his forehead, curling around his eyebrows and lays messily on the back of his neck. It's almost long enough to cover his eyes and there's one little strand of hair that's peacefully intertwining with his long black eyelashes.

Hoseok doesn't even realise he's staring at him until he suddenly feels Taehyung's soft dark hair on his fingertips.

It's so soft. Has it always been so soft? Hoseok doesn't remember whether he has ever touched his hair like that before and now all he can think about is that he never realised how soft it is.

He jerks back as if he got burned when he suddenly hears Taehyung clicking his tongue before he slightly shakes his head, waking up. He slowly opens one of his eyes, tilting his head so that he could see Hoseok who is now scratching the back of his head real hard as he's trying to cover up for what he just did.

Shoot. Does that mean his sleep was so light, he could feel what Hoseok just did? Maybe he should have just gone with it and explain why he did it - tell him there was something in his hair or joke around that he was trying to wake him up so that he wouldn't be the only one awake. It was no big deal. Why the hell did he get so scared?

He winks, looking forward, gaze straight at the back of the bus chair that's in front of him. He rests his hands on top of his knees and tries to sit straight. Then he realises how suspicious that actually looks. He eyes Taehyung again, smiling a little.

What did he just do?

He must be going crazy.

"Wow," he whispers in order not to wake up the others and tries to play it cool. "Is our sleeping beauty awake while on the bus? That's a first."

Taehyung always looks a few years younger when he's sleepy and now that he curls up one corner of his mouth, it completely warms Hoseok's heart. He can't stop himself from grinning like crazy. Tae is like a teddy bear - no matter how hard you try not to be childish, you always fail when you're around him. You just want to squeeze him in a tight hug and be a little kid again.

"Why are you not sleeping, tho?" asks Taehyung softly and rubs his eyes while yawning.

Hoseok can't stop smiling. "Just a head full of thoughts," he replies.

"You should get some sleep," whispers Tae and takes a look at the smart watch on his wrist. "It's almost 5am."

After a long and exhausting concert they all got to the bus very late, just around 2am, and everyone basically fell asleep immediately, tired but happy. Hoseok has always struggled with sleeping after a concert - his energy is always so high from all the excitement he just can't fall asleep. So today, after a couple hours of trying to rest, he decided to make sure Tae is warm enough while he sleeps. He took of his beige-coloured hoodie and put it on Tae's knees. It was just a gesture he's made a thousand times before. But after he tightened the material closely around Tae's legs and hips and raised his head back up, he found himself not being able to take his eyes off of Taehyung's sleeping face. It was so peaceful and Hoseok got scared the hair that was falling into Tae's eyes might be uncomfortable for him. He just wanted to move that one strand of hair -

He realises he's staring at him again and not replying. He breathes out and smiles again. "Sleeping on bus is hard."

"No, it's not," says Tae, completely innocent.

Hoseok grins. "Yeah, I know it's not hard for you at all. You're like the master of sleeping literally anywhere."

"Did you enjoy the concert?" asks Taehyung, suddenly changing the subject. There it goes. That little worry crossing his face. He's always so caring when it comes to others. Hoseok just wishes he wouldn't forget caring about himself too.

"It was lovely," he assured him. "Seeing our fans always fills me with so much energy. I could throw another concert right now."

Taeyhung finally laughs. He can look so serious sometimes, but that only makes his smile stand out more later. That's probably why Hoseok enjoys challenging himself to make Tae laugh as much as possible. He's like a cute little brother to him whom he always wants to make happy. He wants to take all the heavy burdens of life for him and take care of them so that Tae doesn't have to worry about anything and can just live purely out of joy.

Tae looks down at his legs covered in Hoseok's hoodie. He reaches for it and turns back to Hoseok, putting it back around him. "You won't fall asleep when you're cold."

"I'm not cold-"

"Your lips are turning purple, hyung."

Hoseok freezes. Was Tae just looking at his lips? And why does he like the thought so much? Ugh, he must be drunk from all the dancing and singing. Concerts always have that effect - you feel almost as if you're floating above your body just as you do when you're drunk.

He lets Taeyhyung seal the soft material of the hoodie around his chest and as Tae slowly works on not letting a single inch of his skin be exposed, Hoseok almost stops breathing.

He's so close. Why does it feel so different today?

And then it's gone. Taehyung finishes his job of wrapping Hoseok into his own clothes and then sits back into his seat, turning away from Hoseok and resting his forehead on the window.

From what Hoseok can tell, Tae falls asleep way too quickly. His breath suddenly deepens as if he wasn't awake just a few minutes ago.

But no matter whether he is actually sleeping or not, Hoseok snuggles up to his hoodie and finally falls asleep, listening to Kim Taehyung's peaceful breathing.

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