trashed up

370 16 35

My eyelids felt heavy, and I could immediately feel that something was wrong. I couldn't figure out what was wrong but then I realize it. It was the smell, the cold, and the movement in my soul. My soul felt as if something else was squirming in it trying to fit in place, and then it, whatever it was, seemed to click into my soul like a puzzle piece and I felt a surge of power and pain. I gasp out in pain and panic with the newfound energy to care, where was I?

The sky was black, looking around I find myself in a trash can, which explained the smell. Attempting to get out of the trash can caused me to land face-first onto the pavement. I got up and peeled a sticky banana peel off of myself, it was almost comical that out of everything that could have stuck onto me it was the banana peel, a cartoon's worst nightmare. I sobered up after seeing myself in the cracked mirror which was next to the trash can, it felt a bit like a plot convenience but I shook it off remembering the inconspicuously shaped lamp I had created. Looking at myself seemed to ground me, my neck was covered with paps red scarf and my blue jacket had a bloody slash, where the demon had killed me.

Then I realized an even bigger problem, I was back to being a human, in a panic I made my left eye glow. My eye responds with a flashing blue and yellow color feeling my power tugging at me ready for usage. I sigh with relief, I still had my magic even if it was weaker than before. Hopefully, it will be back to the regular in some time. My soul started hurting painfully, immediately my magic turned off.

'I probably shouldn't use magic yet.' I think to myself.

I put my jacket back into my inventory in hope of being able to stitch it back together. Now about me being human.

I used to be human but it was a long, long time ago. Unlike Frisk I didn't have a soft landing, it had screwed with my memories jumbling it up, My white, almost shiny, thin hair moved lazily on my head alongside paps scarf, the breeze pushing on my jacket. I looked about 12 years old. I still wore my white shirt alongside paps scarf but it was ripped and was somewhat damp with red liquid like my jacket, but it could be replaced. I still was wearing slippers but it would have to do.


Name: Sans Gaster

ATK: 10


Gold: 178390

I stared at his ATK and DEF, they both had increased, way better than just 1. I read on:

LV: 17

Exp: 672

The world paused, LV: 17. He only had LV 5. For it to jump to 17, it must have counted all the times he had killed Frisk, what the hell happened for it to do that?

'What had happened,' I think trying to remember. All I could think of was the pain of the knife slash and the cracking sound from behind him. After a couple of minutes, it was pretty obvious that wouldn't be able to remember anything. Okay Lv 17, the problem with having a higher level will give you a thirst to want to kill, to give you a feeling of power. Up till now, I was able to control it since I had a low amount but now I was technically a time bomb, just waiting for a massacre. I gulp, anything could set me to causing go on a killing spree. It was possible for him to blow in a different way though since he was a judge and had karmic magic, the massacre could manifest in some sort of karmic way.

He needed a break. I walk out of the alley cautiously, hands fidgeting. Walking around I hear a voice from above, not to me though. I look up seeing a screen on the building broadcasting a news channel.

"Flashes of light have been spotted all around the world and pro-heroes have been trying to figure out what it was, a possible quirk malfunction? Or maybe a villain, quirk analysts have been trying to figure out what quirk was used or even if was a quirk. The flashes of light seem random..."

What does a pro hero and quirk mean? The screen drones on telling information about these mysterious flashes of light. I stopped listening as it had nothing to with me, hopefully. I find a bar and walk into it, "uh, may I have a ketchup bottle?"

It went well.

Especially with the bloody shirt I was wearing.

I leave to go to the library better to learn about where I am. Then I realized I didn't know where the library was. I sigh. I look around realizing there was an internet cafe across the street with a flickering sign that said "The Cat Cafe". Well then.

I quickly get there and open the doors, the eyes turn to stare at me, funnily even though there were a lot of cats in the cat/internet cafe, there were also a couple of dogs for some reason. I mutter a quick hi before getting on one of the cafe laptops. I search up: Def of quirk

Quirk is a human evolution that allows humans to have special power-like abilities.

'I guess you could say this place is "quirky."' I make a pun to myself snorting a bit.

I read on learning more about where I was, knowledge is needed to survive. I feel a pat on my shoulder as I see a... hobo, in a scarf and black clothing?

The man opened his mouth to speak, "you around from here?"

"No," I say.

"Care to explain?"


The man's eyes narrowed in suspicion and stared me down, I continue to smile back.

"Look kid tell me where you're from."

I was about to speak up when I cough, roughly. Welp, that was all the information I needed from the cat cafe, no need to fight anymore to stay here.

"Fine, I'll go."

The man looked surprised, "I'm not telling you to leave, kid. All that I'm doing is making sure that you're okay because you hurt."

I take the time to check him.


Name: Shouta Aizawa

Quirk: Erasure

Quirk description: The ability to "erase" quirk while looking at said person.

Quirk drawbacks: Dry eye


LV: 2


The guy was trustworthy enough but I wasn't just going to go with him.

"I'm fine," I say to Aizawa in front of me.

"Just come with me to the hospital," he says.

"No," I say indefinitely, "I'm leaving."

I log out of the laptop and get ready to leave and find a hotel, hopefully, they take pure gold as a currency. The man doesn't seem to take no for an answer as he flips out a card with the words, 'PRO HERO LISCENCE', on it.

I stare back up at him and he looks down at me, "You are coming with me kid."

"I don't think so," I dash out of the building and dodge a scarf flying at me, I duck into an alleyway, bad choice he swings on the building using his scarf and his eyes went red, shit. I could still use my magic since it doesn't count as a quirk.

He comes down at me and I narrowly dodge mustering up enough strength to teleport away.

I look around and see that I was in some sort of field and I was too spent to move again, needless to say, I fall asleep.

"Karmic retribution" Sans x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now