Can't Help It

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Date nights were hard to come by in your line of work, but every once in a while you were graced with an opportunity to have such a special little occasion. Both you and Shoot had days off that lined up, so you jumped on the opportunity to go out and have a nice dinner together. It was all planned out, and you'd both be dressing a little nicer than usual. All that was left was to meet him at his place before you headed over to the restaurant.

By roughly six in the evening you stood outside his front door and fiddled with the spare key he gave you. Once you let yourself inside you called out to him in a sing-song voice, excited for him to see your outfit. You could hear him approach from across the house, and when he came out from the hall into the entryway, his expression was one you adored.

"Oh wow. You look... stunning." Shoot complimented in a breathy tone of admiration.

You smiled brightly after hearing his words, feeling even cuter in the nice little black dress you wore. "Aw, thank you hun! Want me to do a spin?"

He nodded in response, giving you the okay to show yourself off. You then spun in a circle a couple of times, your heels clicking on the floor while you let your nice coverup fall past your shoulders to show off the neckline and bring it all together. Shoot was mesmerised by your beauty and gawked at your whole form, though he couldn't help but let his eyes wander a little and sneak a few extra glances at your backside when you spun.

"Hey, don't think I didn't see where you were looking hun~" You teased, having caught sight of where exactly his gaze was directed.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to..." He replied sheepishly, looking at the ground.

"I'm kidding! Oh my gosh you're so cute~" You laughed, shrugging your cover back onto your shoulders and approaching him. "I don't mind one bit. Now c'mon! We're gonna be late for our reservation!"

Eased by your words, he looked back at you shyly, still enchanted by your appearance. "You're right. Though I do feel a little under-dressed in comparison to you..."

"Oh nonsense! Come, put this jacket on and you;ll be all set." You encouraged, reaching out to grab his rather nice double breasted jacket from the couch and sling it over his shoulders. "See! You look rather fantastic yourself~"

He took his turn to smile from your compliment and sighed, slipping his arms through the sleeves. "Perhaps you're right."

"Perhaps? Of course I am! Now let's go~!"

You playfully grabbed Shoot's hand and dragged him outside while you ordered a cab with an app on your phone, excited to get the night started. Of course you had to let him go so he could lock the door, and in that short time your ride had already come. Both of you were whisked away in a matter of minutes, and your night could finally begin.

At dinner, it was as wonderful as anticipated. Low lighting, wonderful music, and excellent food to satisfy your palate. It was a divine date night, and both of you were as happy as ever to have some time like this together. Everything was perfect... just like your butt.

Once again Shoot found himself staring at your butt every time you got up to go to the bathroom or to stretch. The way your dress hugged your body had his eyes locked on you like a heat seeking missile. He couldn't help it. You were just so damn fine that he had to sneak a few more glances at any chance he could. He did that as often as he could until dinner was over and you both paid your bills, exiting the establishment. Shoot was about to hail a cab to get you both back to his place, but you stopped him.

"Hey, let's walk back! The evening air is so nice and it's not that far. We only cabbed here in the first place cause we were almost late, so we can take our time now!" You suggested.

"Ah, sure! It's only about a twenty minute walk anyway." He nodded.

You skipped with glee, still riding on serotonin from how sweet your night had already been and pranced on ahead with Shoot in tow. Your heels clicked pleasantly on the sidewalk as the two of you made your way back home, loving the damn evening air and all the earthy smells it brought despite being in the city. As you went though, you were always just a little bit ahead of Shoot, and his eyes once again began to wander lower. He did this for a while, and only once his home was in sight did you turn to speak with him, catching him in the act.

"Ooo, are you staring at my ass again~<?" You teased.

"I-I... N-no I was just... zoned out." Shoot tried to explain.

"Liar~. So what I'm getting from this is you're an ass man then huh~" You went on, pulling him closer to you on his front doorstep.

"O-oh... S–shush." He mumbled, looking to the side.

"Aw, c'mon! It's okay~. You can hold it if you want to. I mean, it's your ass too, y'know~" You hummed.

With your encouraging words and the way you tugged on his coat, Shoot pulled you away from his door after a moment of contemplation and kissed you deeply. His hand took a very obvious route for your ass and grasped it firmly, earning a muffled little yelp and giggle from your lips. You slung your arms around his shoulders to support yourself and leaned into him, delighted by the turn he suddenly took/ Now that you had given him permission he really let you know how he felt, and you could slowly feel your dress riding up.

"Shoot, perhaps we should go inside." you suggested when you had the chance.

"You're right. M'sorry." He mumbled, still not letting you go.

Shoot used his nen hands to push the front door open so he could always keep his main hand on you, refusing to let you go. When the door was finally opened he pushed you gently inside, the warmth being a nice change from the brisk night air. It wasn't long until he had you both toppling onto the couch, joyous laughter leaving both of you.

"Shoot! My, what has gotten into you?" You giggled.

"Sorry. I just can't help it." He mused playfully, kissing you all over.

Your butt wasn't the only thing that got lots of love tonight. He truly adored all of your assets equally, but he did have his favourites, and your ass was one of them. Now in the privacy of his home, he could properly indulge in you and every bit of your cute ass.

Shoot McMahon X Reader ✨ One Shots ✨Where stories live. Discover now