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Jamell's Pov 

I haven't talked to cortlen knowing it would be awkward and i couldn't bring my self to face him after what melvin has done. But lately all i could think about was bortlen his beautiful face and the way my heart pounded when every he wrapped his arms around me. 

'So ya finally ready to except it?' melvin asks making me frown. 

'Shut up since when do you have an interest in bortlen!?!" i yell/ask. 

'Lower yo tone and the real question is when have YOU not had an interest in bortlen. Like bro just tell him how you feel he needs to hear it from you not me" Melvin says. 

'You already humiliated me enough when you was telling bortlen all that out of pocket stuff. I don't like him that way' i say. 

I heard a knock at the door and opened to see bortlen with his head hung low. "C-can we talk" Bortlen says and i nod. "Look bortlen i'm sorry about what happened i wasn't in control and-" i start before he walks over to me and looks at me with a weird expression. 

"Do you want me jamell? Melvin said some things that i think might be true" Bortlen says. "Look melvin was just talking crazy your my friend" i say and he leans closer. "I know you want me jamell melvin wasn't the only reason you was acting wierd around me you was trying to run from yo feelings" Bortlen says. 

He pushes me down on my couch and crawls into my lap smirking down at me. "Please take me jamell and if you still don't think you really have feelings for me and it was just melvin talking crazy we can pretend it never happened" Bortlen says before pulling me into a steamy kiss. 

I mean if this is what he wants who am i not to grant his wishes? 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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