Goldenrod Yellow

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"Matthew, help Erik clean up and ask Damien to go fetch Sam from the woods before he invites unwanted guests onto the property. I'll go check on MC." James redonned his glamour, brushing himself off before rising. He forwent the stairs, focusing his mind a moment and using a yellow pentagram to "teleport" in front of MC's bedroom door, knocking softly with the back of his hand.

"MC? May I come in?"

There was no answer, and seemingly no proof MC was even in there anymore. He pressed his ear to the door, listening for any sign of life, even a breath to come up fruitless.

"MC?" He tried the handle, frowning as it stayed locked. "MC I understand something has upset you, please, let's talk about it. You shouldn't be left to bear the burden of your sadness alone."

Nothing, ticking off his inner dom as much as he pushed him down. "MC, you have five seconds to open the door or let out a sound before I appear inside."

"Five... four... three... two... one." James focused again and made himself appear inside MC's bedroom, eyes widening in shock as he looked around the room.

The curtains were drawn and the floor a mess, broken items all over the space as James looked for any sign of MC. He pushed the broken glass aside with his shoe as he peered inside their closet, pushing the hangers aside to no avail. Worry crept up his throat as he crossed the room towards the bathroom, door shut but light visible from under it.

"MC?" He tried the handle, finding it unlocked. "MC?"

James waited a moment for any sort of reply before pushing the door open, hand flying over his mouth as he looked at them in horror.

Blood filled the bathtub, water overflowing onto the floor as MC laid in the tub. Bone was visible from their arms as the flesh lay sliced open. MC was pale, eyes closed as a few last air bubbles emerged from the water. James ran to them, turning off the tub and lifting their body from their water prison, laying them on a patch of dry floor and pressing on their chest in what he hoped was cpr. He pulled energy from his bodys' reserves and forced it through his veins into their body.

"God damn it MC you can't do this to me, not after everything we've been through." tears pricked his face as he opened their mouth, pressing it to his and forcing air into their lungs.

"We've fought Malix and the devils, your family, my stupid father, fought a war, lost our wedding day twice and fought fucking angles. Your friends need you, my brothers need you, I need you." a sob broke his voice as he slammed his hands on their chest. "Please, come back to me."

The room grew dark as time seemed to still. James raised his head as a familiar foe appeared in front of him, cloak as bright as ever.

"You. You bring them back to me! It is NOT their time!" he yelled as the angel held up a hand to him.

"Hush now, broken stone. Angels do not control those who take the path of su!cide. I am in as much confusion as you." the angel spoke, bending down to MC's cold body. "However, I can retrieve their soul from where it hides, but it will come at a price."

"Name it." James looked at the Angel, trying to appease it under its cloak.

"It will be steep b-"


The Angel grew quiet before resuming. "The price is a soul in exchange- someone else they care about but also hold those dark feelings towards, like they hold to themselves. Someone that can reasonably die in the next few hours."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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