.Chapter 3.

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Pt 3

That moment was special.

And both ring pops, did special things.

It was new to them of course, it gotten super heated.

Love was strong, the smell was strong.

Their rings close together, it felt wrong but so right at the same time.

The air was thick, loud noise.

Green ring pop felt good and fuzzy.

It was just him and his husband, that was green pop first time, it was amazing.

Very shocking, about the pain the next morning.

Now, green pop was sick, throwing up, mood swings, it was driving red pop insane.

Till, green pop went into town and brought himself a pregnancy test, and that's how he found out, green pop hidden it away under the bed, scared of his husband finding out.

But, that was a good mistake.

Red pop was checking under the bed, for the remote while, Green pop was cooking, Red pop was shock for what he found.

A test for pregnancy.

He sighed, and went to his husband to confirm it.

And green pop told him everything.

Red pop was delighted, happy.

That he was going to be a father, he even forgot about his husband hiding it away from him.

Everyday pass.

It was hard to control Green pop, but now it was accepted and fine now.

They got used to it.

Then, that time came.

Green pop was rushed to the hospital, it was fucking painful.

Red pop sat outside, pacing back and forth.

And he was called in, it was amazing.

A child, his child.

Red pop was happy, he could now have a family.

Every moment was special, yellow ring pop walking.

Yellow pop talking, even learning.

Everything yellow pop did in his parents eyes, was special to them.

Now, yellow pop was getting sent to school, he grew up so fast.

It was just like yesterday.

Red pop and Green pop, waved their son off goodbye, and then yellow pop left.

School wasn't great, loudness.

Everything was overwhelming.

Then, yellow pop grew older and older, and now it was time for college.

Green pop was crying, that his baby had to leave him, but yellow pop was coming back to see his parents every weekend.

Red pop was sad, but didn't show it.

Yes, he was happy for his son, but it was hard to let go.

And then, again.

Yellow pop went of to college.


College was now over, and yellow pop was adult.

Yellow pop wanted to explore the world, and go different places.

Yes, it was heartbreaking to give up on your child, but this was yellow pop dream.

Yellow pop had a good job, and he is a journalist now.

Him and his parents was at the airport waving goodbye for to their child.

And again, yellow pop got on the plane and went off to another part of the world, of course he would keep contact with his parents.

But, with this new life.

We have a new story.

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