Chapter 1

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As I walked down the path, sounds of shoes squeaking and a ball being hit welcomed my ears. I was outside my highschool, Karasuno, and just in front of me sat the school gym. It wasn't the biggest building I had ever seen, but that didn't matter. After a few moments I was standing in the doorway, greeted by the familiar sight of a volleyball net. In front of me there were two girls, one blonde haired, and one black haired. Off to the side a little bit was the court, and on it there were several players. They must be practicing. I thought. Hopefully I wouldn't bother them enough to notice me. I bet they didn't get many visitors, and even then I couldn't really be called that.

On the other side sat two men, and for a second my heart plummeted. Was that the advisor and his assistant? Had my job already been taken? If so, that was it. There weren't any positions for girls besides the manager and advisors assistant on the boys volleyball team. Ah! Kuho, you were too late! I scolded myself. The second man on the bench, the one in the red tracksuit who had a headband holding back bleached hair, raised his hand and shouted; "Move it Ginger!" My head automatically turned back to the game. There was only one orange haired kid playing, and with a jolt I realized he was smaller than all the other players. So small he looked like he was my height, which was 5'3" give or take a few inchess.

I took another step forward so that I was just inside the gym. Was the kid a libero? No, that wasn't right. He was in the middle blocker position, but how was that possible? He was tiny! As I watched, a small grin appeared on his face, and he dashed forward. My mouth dropped open as he sped from one side of the court to the other, leaping so high in the air that his feet were above the bottom of the net. My eyes didn't even have time to blink as he slammed his hand down on the ball that had just been set to him. It was amazing.

However, as I watched, the ball hit the ground hard and ricocheted off it, heading directly for the two watching girls. Everything turned to slow motion as my mind went into hyper detail mode, spitting facts at me a hundred per second. There was only one player near the ball, but the buzz cut guy was turning far too slowly. The two girls themselves might be able to move, but both of them were looking down at a clipboard and didn't seem to be noticing the game. Even I wouldn't be able to reach my hands far enough, and that was after my own jump. There was only one thing to do.

I dashed forward and leapt, though not at my full height, swinging my foot out inches away from their heads. As if it was timed, the ball smacked perfectly against my leg, bouncing away. A delighted smile broke across my face as I landed in a roll several feet from the two girls. I might have kept smiling if I hadn't realized what an over dramatic entrance that had been. Behind me I heard the players call out what were probably the names of the girls.

For a brief second I froze, my knee against the ground, and then slowly I got up. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. I swallowed and made a slow side step. I hadn't meant to interrupt the players, but my instincts had just taken over. Oh great, Kuho you idiot. If you wanted to show off you should have gone to the girls volleyball team.

A shadow fell across the floor in front of me, and I flinched, looking up slowly as someone said, "Hey you!" I turned around and came face to face with another short boy, although this one looked a little shorter. His spiky brown hair made up for it though, as he had it gelled up all the way. "Who are you? Where did you learn that?"

I shrunk back slightly at the blunt questions, and in my hesitation another guy appeared, sticking his head out from behind the guy. I recognized the orange hair immediately. "That jump was amazing!" He spoke almost as soon as the other boy finished.

"Uh, thanks." I murmured, and the brown haired boy leaned closer.

"So who are you?" He repeated. "That was a nice receive."

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