Chapter 1

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Kuina!" Subaru called after the purple haired vampire. He flinched when cold silver and gold eyes glared at him before they flashed back to a soft chocolate brown. Subaru carefully treaded up to the other but stayed a few feet away just in case the other lashed out, which he just knew he would as he has done for the last little while. "Kuina, is something wrong?" He asked whilst tilting his head slightly, like a curious little puppy.

Kuina bit his lip nervously before glancing away from Subaru, "It's nothing..." He muttered, not wanting to upset his mate anymore than he already had.

Subaru smiled obliviously and believed what Kuina said without hesitation.

"Then would you join us for dinner, Lilia wanted all of us there?" His smile grew wider when he mentioned the wench's name.

Kuina growled lowly. She wanted "everyone" there. Very funny. she hated Kuina just as much as he hated her and since when could mortals boss around immortal beings that fed on them?

"I'm not going." He stated firmly and stormed off down the dark candle lit corridor, unlike what most would expect of a vampire's home it wasn't smothered in gothic decor or have cobwebs on every available surface. Subaru stared dumbly at his retreating back and flinched when the slam of his door echoed throughout the mansion, indicating Kuina didn't want to be bothered.

"Baru-chan, what's with all the racket?" A silky sweet voice, thick with emotion like honey poured onto a particularly thin piece of toast, asked as pale slender arms wrapped around his waist.

Subaru sighed and leaned into the warm embrace. "It seems Kuina won't be joining us for dinner... again."

Lilia pouted at that. "Why is he so rude? How have you and the other three put up with it?" Subaru flinched as her voice took on a hateful tone. He couldn't explain to her they were vampires that were kind of mated, now could he? Even though Kuina was the last to join he still felt like he had been there all along. They learned over the few centuries, since he came, how to deal with his sudden outbursts. Kuina was a kind person, he just didn't know how to express it to others that weren't his mates.

"You just misunderstand him. I did at first too but you will learn, it's not his fault for how he acts. Just give him time, Lilia."

Lilia sighed and took ahold of Subaru's hand. "If you say so..." She playfully tugged him into the direction of the dining room, "Let us go join the others, we can't keep them waiting."


Humans. Mortals. They were the one thing he despised the most. Mortals believe that they are the perfect superior race and if another race grew too strong they destroy it to secure their own so-called power. Kuina hated the fact that he was once like them. Attending witch burnings and the killing of vampires, always watching as the creatures that they feared suffer, die and put on the brink of extinction.

The dark haired vampire growled and slammed his bedroom door closed, he smirked in satisfaction as the room rattled and shook slightly from the force. He hoped the others got the hint and stayed with their precious little Lilia instead of checking up on him.

A feral growl echoed deep in his throat as he thought of that annoying human girl. She was practically drawing one of his mates away from him. She should've seen it by now that Subaru was his, not hers, and that he would never be hers. He should have told Kazuki to leave her the night they found her unconscious by the river because now it seemed like she was a permanent resident since she forgot everything but her name.  

She luckily believed that they were humans who just took care of criminals' deaths. Little did she know that those criminals were brought to them by the village so that they wouldn't go after and harm the innocent townspeople, that's how they managed to feed, by drinking the blood of those found guilty of a crime. It was a completely different lifestyle in comparison to the one from Kuina's old clan.

Now Subaru's sudden fascination with Lilia had Kuina feeling uneasy. What if he messed up and turned her into one of them or if he tried to mate with her? Kuina would not allow that. Never. He would kill her before anything like that ever happened.

He moved towards his giant king sized bed only to stop when he caught sight of his human-like reflection in the body length mirror. Black hair with light chocolate brown eyes that were too human for his liking, and the normal human clothes slowed his body down so much that it made him feel heavy and caused him to have a hard time moving gracefully.

Ever since she came here he and Kazuki had to hide their true eye color and it irritated him to no end. He could not see his mate's lovely ruby red eyes nor could any of them see his mixed matched ones. After letting out a resigned and tired sigh, he let the human guise slip off him. Kuina smiled in satisfaction when purple and white hair fell over his shoulder he glanced in the mirror, smiling all the more when gold and silver eyes replaced the previously plain brown ones.

He practically glided over to his walk in closet and he quickly changed into his normal attire of a thin black leather jacket and soft, velvety green-black pants that had ruffles attached to the legs. The heavy pads over the shoulders made his slender shoulders seem wider, and more masculine, and the pants hid his frail-looking legs easily and they made him look feminine and delicate like an intimidating little doll. Whoever ran into him tonight would be in for a surprise.

Tonight he felt like killing, ripping apart soft flesh with his fangs and claws. The animal wanted out and he was going to allow it to be free. He was bloodthirsty and nothing could stop him until that need was satisfied, he had no intention of hiding his true nature anymore tonight.

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