Chapter 2

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Carinia opened her eyes and let out a small breath, she could still feel his lips on hers. Despite it all being a dream, it always felt so real, like they were standing face to face. This was just a piece of X'heve's power and his control over her. Yet, this time had felt different. His hand had been so gentle on her face and his lips so warm. He had never showed any signs of attraction to her before, and she couldn't help the heat that was still on her face and going through her body. Would their relationship advance once she was in Neveah standing by his side?

There was a hard, angry bang on the door and Carinia groaned as she got up and opened her bedroom door to find Diane standing there. Carinia couldn't remember a time when the woman wasn't shouting or cursing at something. At this point she paid it no mind as it was just a part of living there. Just hearing the woman's voice made her want to break something, but they both swore to their lord X'heve that they would stop least for now. That had been five years ago that she made her promise to her lord, and she was no longer a child but a woman.

One day Carinia will get her chance to deal with Diane, in the meantime she was forced by her bond to X'heve to mind her manners. Diane had no idea that one day she was going to get what was coming to her, and it wouldn't be the reward she thought it was going to be for standing by X'heve's side.

"Yes?" Carinia asked trying to keep a low tone. It was unfortunate for her that she was the closest Shade in the area and Diane sometimes gave her special coven requests that needed to be handled. Not that Carinia had anything better to do at the moment, she was stuck here for at least another night.

"There's a job," Diane stated with a strain in her voice as she tried to remain civil. She was a tall slim pale woman who stood about five-ten, about a hundred and twenty pounds, with sharp diamond like facial features, and delicate upturned cat like eyes. She had a long lean curved nose like a hawk with wide narrow lips beneath. Her hair was raven black, long and straight, which she kept tied in a braid that just grazed her hips. Nothing like Carinia's features, her face being more rounded, her nose button shaped, and her lips full much like her hips and chest. She had dark wavy brown hair which she kept just about shoulder length and tied in a ponytail most nights. Though she did have similar eyes as Diane, though they were a bit on the softer side instead of the constant glare Diane seemed to have.

Carinia wondered what her father looked like as it was clear she took after his features more so than her mothers. She couldn't help but think if her mother would have treated her differently if she looked more like her instead, but then scoffed at the idea. Diane treated everyone with disdain she was sure looks had nothing to do with it. Her father was probably long dead by now with how Diane took care of lose ends.

Diane always wore some dark dress and a deep bronze robe. The solid black robe, with X'heve sigil engraved in silver, was for completing X'heve's requests and when she was leading the coven. "I need you to collect from a man named Jerome. He was already given his warning and he has yet to pay," Diane informed her.

Carinia nodded, "Very well. How would you like me to collect?"

"If he has the money take it and then make an example out of him. If he doesn't have the money then you know what to do," Diane said.

"Consider it done. Where shall I find him?" Carinia asked.

"You can find him in the next town in Dryad. He's a bottom feeder so I am sure you will find him wandering in one of the alleys drunk or passed out," Diane said with a scoff. Not looking at Carinia any longer she turned away from her and started walking off.

Shutting the door Carinia turned towards her small room to start getting dressed. Room would be an overstatement; it was more like a storage closet. It was large enough for her twin sized mattress, a small place to walk around it on the right, with shelves lined along the walls. That was all the space she had been allotted in this dreadful place. Needless to say, she was more than ready to move on to bigger and better things and it was hard to not be restless.

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