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From ashes to ashes,

From dust to dust.

We race toward nothingness;

Horses with blinders.

Gunshots and forest fires;

Highrises and skyscrapers;

Addicts and destitutes;

Deafening music;

Empty eyes; bleeding hearts.

Politicians waging a war of words to remain in power,

The simpletons living in fear of a tomorrow

That is not promised.

The newborn's cries;

Workers hustle,

A fight for survival.

I watch the world swim around me.

I watch your eyes

As they look in contempt

At the haggardly little boy selling keyrings

At the side of the street;

I watch you pull up the window blinds

As your car disappears into the darkness

Of the red light area.

Who made you superior? Who decides?

Who we love, who we are, how to feel,

What to feel, what to think, how to think,

Where to be, how to be?

How to speak, whether to speak at all?

The colour of your skin?

The money your ancestors made?

The house you live in?

The education you had?

When all is said and done,

From ashes to ashes

From dust to dust...

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