6 - "The Empress"

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"You make a pinky promise,
You keep it all your life.
You break a pinky promise,
I throw you on the ice.

The ice will kill the pinky that once betrayed your friend,

And the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again."


Mondstadt is the land of Freedom and Song, and thus it's a land where poems and rhymes flow like dandelions dancing in the wind.

Snezhnaya is a land that neighbours Mondstadt.

The poems and rhymes carried by the soft wind will soon find itself suddenly arriving in the chilling, icy breezes.

That's why there are quite a few nursery rhymes sung in Snezhnaya, the particular one mentioned above is pretty popular with the children.

But there is another little nursery rhyme that used to be sung a lot.

One that the soldiers still sing when they depart the frozen ports of your glorious motherland, to voyage to another faraway land in the name of Her Majesty.

You mustn't forget,

You're a soldier too.


Thanks to the surprisingly efficient medicine that Dottore prescribed to you, you're actually feeling much better now.

Or at the very least, you don't feel like one nostril is blocked by impurities anymore.

If a Harbinger such as yourself can find weakness in sickness, then maybe being a Harbinger isn't that big of a deal anymore...

You sat up, and looked outside the frosty windows.


Even with such a thick blanket, the cold still managed to creep through each layer of woven fabric, and caressed your warm skin.

As a Snezhnayan, "the cold never bothered you anyway."


But do you know why it's so quiet in winter lands? Why there is only the sound of cold breezes in frozen terrains like Snezhnaya or Dragonspine?

It's said that the snow absorbs the sounds.

That's why there is little to no sound to be heard often times when it snows, besides the soft crunching of it underneath your feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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