Let There Be Scarlet Witch

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Everything trembled.
A blinding light colored everything around it yellow.
When she disappeared, Wanda Maximoff had no idea where she was.
It was as if the light that a moment before had almost knocked her unconscious, had ended up dyeing yellow and orange the place where Wanda was standing .
Moreover, it was late afternoon because you could see the sun in the sky as it was gradually lowering.
However, Wanda remembered perfectly well that it had been morning until that mysterious vortex had sucked her in.

Was she in another universe? A universe where even the weather was different?
It was also hot, luckily the sun went down, the witch found herself thinking, in fact she was used to the freezing weather and biting wind of Sokovia.

But where am I?

She was in a farm, more precisely she was surrounded by cornfields that had always made her very anxious whenever she had seen them in American movies.
Then there was a bestial scream and Wanda jumped.

When Eddie Brock woke up, he saw that Venom had taken possession of his body.
"Too hot, Eddie," the annoyed symbiote complained.
Where the hell are we, Venom?
"I don't know, but it's hot, Eddie"
I can't help it, but I'd like to know why we moved from San Francisco to a lost Texas farm
"I don't know how we got there, but I'm starting to get hungry in all this heat"
Can you at least tell me if you remember how we got here, instead of always thinking about eating ???
"I do what I want"
Useless bundle of nerves, give me back control, you are useless in this situation
For the first time, Venom did not respond to Eddie and let him regain possession of his body, not before having raised an animal scream of irritation at what he had been told.
Scream that we know well, it would soon attract someone's attention.
Eddie began to walk, he was in a stable where the animals seemed to have disappeared and the smell of straw mixed with that heat almost suffocated him.
He walked out of that oppressive room and saw that the surrounding outskirts were entirely covered with cornfields.

"I have no idea where we ended up"

A voice called a few meters away from him.

It was a girl.
She could not have been more than thirty, her hair was reddish and her face was young but dark in an expression that was anything but friendly.
"Hey little girl, can you tell me where we are?" He asked gesticulating.
The girl looked down.
"How did you call me?"

I don't like this one, who does she think she is?
Venom mentally told him.
"I'm Scarlet Witch and I'm looking for my children, where are you hiding them?"
She can hear us???
"I can feel everything, dull creature"
"Your children? I think it's a mistake"
"I don't think so, I heard their voices and I managed to get here with my magic, so I think they're locked up here somewhere and you're keeping them hidden"

Magic? Eddie she is crazy

"You will soon regret your words"
Eddie was almost intimidated by this little girl who seemed so sure aboute her words and so determined in this situation, but he had really no idea what she was talking about.
"I don't know where I am, I don't know which children you are talking about and above all, I have no idea who you are"
Wanda smiled at him.

"You will"

It seemed to Eddie that the girl's eyes had turned red and after an instant of her raising an arm, the ground beneath him collapsed and he fell several meters underground.
The man had sunk for a few seconds and Wanda thought it was over, when suddenly a piece of land closer to her exploded, revealing a terrible and large creature covered in black.
This roared in her face before running at full speed towards her.
But Wanda did not lose heart, she gritted her teeth, waited for the creature that in a few seconds came in front of her and when it was exactly an inch from her, she raised her hand and hit it with the magic of chaos on the monstrous face, sending him to different meters away, but especially on the ground.
Wanda used her powers and rose into the sky, observing from above the creature lying on the ground that was observing her with those now wide white eyes, immediately after it stood up continuing to look at her.

Let There Be Scarlet Witch- Marvel oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now