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Millions of souls could relate to the melancholic tones of "life without you". It was an immediate hit around the world and kept Ava busier than she had been in years. Suga and Namjoon were busy as well with numerous artist seeking their attention for cooperations.

Ava loved the song but it was harder to sing emotionally than she anticipated. She sang it well because she could relate to the lyrics, and she began to understand why Namjoon couldn't sing it himself. It drained her to go through those emotions on a daily basis.

She was in yet another lonely generic hotel room, in a city she had forgotten the name off, on a PR tour that seemed to go on forever. She was sitting on her bed with her phone in her hand, bored as usual.

The sound of a knock on the door echoed in the empty silent space. Ava's lazy eyes turned to the door and a deep sense of annoyment built up inside of her. Jin had the key, why was he knocking?

"Jin, use your damn key!!!", she yelled loudly.

The knocking continued without an answer.

She dragged her tired body out of bed and walked slowly to the door, opening it with a fast swipe, ready to scold Jin.

"Jin, What the hell..."

She froze at the sight of the man on the other side and her facial expression turned into instant chock.

"Hey baby girl", he said in a smooth velvety voice while staring her up and down with his greyish intense eyes, with a devilish smirk on his face.

It was exactly that smirk and those eyes that drove her crazy. His voice was like black magic enchanting her senses to follow his every demand.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me or are you going to let me in", he asked after a short moment of silence. He wasn't expecting open arms but he was expecting her to at least invite him in.

"Jimin...come in", she finally said after overcoming the shock of the sudden surprise.

He walked past her confidently and the intoxicating smell of his perfume reached her senses. He smelled like fresh cotton with some deep tones of fresh leather.

His clothes were perfectly tailored as usual, his toned body on full display. His ice blonde hair was perfectly styled. He really knew how to get her attention and keep it.

He sat down in one of the comfortable chairs by the window and gazed at her curiously.

"Aren't you going to say something?", he asked, not letting his eyes leave hers. He leaned forward, letting his elbows rest comfortable on his knees, his fingers intertwined. His energy was dominant and seducing as usual.

Ava walked to the chair opposite his and sat down, trying her best to act unaffected by his presence. Her heart was beating out of her chest, anxiety building up quickly. She wasn't sure that she was over him now that he was in front of her again. He was dangerously stunning and his strong playful energy was drawing her in. 

Her prayers had been answered, he was here infront of her again.

She had so many questions to ask him now that he was here; He could not put her on silent or ghost her in person.

"Jimin, what do you want? Why are you here? ", she asked him finally, trying her hardest to stay unaffected.

He smiled, looking at her playfully while he sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"I thought that I still might have a chance after hearing you sing that song. Did I really hurt you that badly, baby girl?", he asked with a serious face this time.

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