Movie night

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I wake up in the hospital. I feel...slightly lightheaded but for the most part I was good. Suddenly a nurse came through the door.
"Oh you're awake!" She said. "There are some visitors outside do you want me to let them in?"
"Sure," I said.
The nurse left the room and minutes later Ari, bey, Wayne, drake and riri all walked in.
"Hey Nika," Wayne said "you good?"
"Yea I'm fine, I just wanna go home,"I said rubbing my head.
Wayne left to go get the nurse.
I looked at their tired faces and asked.
"How long have I been knocked out for?"
"2 days," bey said walking forward.
The nurse came back in and told me I was ok to go home.
Bey suggested that she would take me home and ari laughed a little.
"Why you laughing ari,"I asked raising my eyebrow.
"No reason," she said smiling.
After I got out the hospital bey took me to her house.
After we got settled she asked if i wanted to watch a movie. I of course said yes because I was in love with her but I didn't wanna show it yet.
She put on this scary ass movie and I hate scary movies.
"Bey I don't like scary movies...."
"You'll be fine nika,"she said reassuring me.

I had a feeling that she would be scared of the movie but this one was my favorite. For most of the movie she held closer to me. Every Jump scare her nails would go into my skin. It hurt a little bit but I didn't show a reaction. This girl was such a baby but she was so adorable. After the movie was over she feel asleep. She was sleeping calmly on my chest. I didn't move because I didn't want her to wake up so I feel asleep with her.

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