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"It's for the best"

Shane, Jane and Otis arrive at the high school at dusk

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Shane, Jane and Otis arrive at the high school at dusk. They discover that it is still overrun by walkers. They formulate a plan to cross the parking lot and get to the now abandoned FEMA trailer.

Shane pops the trunk of an abandoned police cruiser and finds a set of flares. "These could work, it'll draw them away" Shane whispers and Jane and Otis nod and Shane starts giving our flares like candy. "On 3, 1.. 2.." Shane whispers they all start setting off the flares, distracting the walkers and finding a way to reach the trailer unharmed.

Janes forehead is beaming with sweat as she looks through all the equipment grabbing everything that was written down on the list. Shane and Otis gather a few extra stuff just in case. The room isn't as big as they thought it was so every now and then they were hitting each other's backs trying quietly but surely grab the items.

After successfully collecting the necessary equipment from the trailer, Shane, Jane and Otis quietly open the door of the trailer but once the doors opens tons of walkers turns there heads slowly and start growling loudly and rush up to the door causing the 3 of them to be quickly overrun.

Jane, Otis and Shane rush out of the trailer one by one and start running past the walkers. Otis and Shane killing the walkers that get a little to close. They find a school and hurry up and rush inside while tons of walkers chase after them. They lock themselves inside the school by placing a cotter pin in a sliding gate, which is being shaken loose by an overbearing herd trying to make its way inside.

Otis, Jane and Shane, have made it in to the high school's auditorium and on to the bleachers, they determine that they still can't outrun the walkers as there are too many. "What about this?" Jane asks as she points to a window she spotted out the corner of her.

They all make there way over to the window and look at it. "What do you say we do?" Shane asks as he's trying to catch his breath. "I say we jump through" Jane states and she sees Otis shaking his head as he tries hard to catch his breath. Otis rejects the idea on account of his size.

"I think you two should go through the window. I'll just slow you down. I'll draw the walkers to the locker rooms" Otis suggests and Jane tightens the duffel bag around her shoulder. "Otis, are you sure? We don't want to leave you behind" Jane says and Otis nods his head.

"I'm doing this for the little boy. I have to show my loyalty someway right" Otis says and Jane looks to Shane who looks exhausted and ready to go. "Alright, we'll find you" Jane says and Otis nods.

Otis was able to draw most of the walkers from the auditorium, growling and reaching for him as they go, while Shane shoots at the dead from atop the bleachers. Shane and Jane make it to the window and Shane goes first and is almost out, but a walker makes it up the bleachers, grabbing for Janes leg.

"Ah!" Jane screams as she kicks her legs but the walker just won't let go. "Move your head!" Shane shouts as Jane moves her head to the side as Shane grabs his gun and shoots the walker, but loses his grip on the window and falls two stories below and lands hard on his ankle.

"Shane! Are you okay?" Jane yells as she crawls to the end of the window and Shane stands up limping on one leg. "I'm fine. Hurry, let's go" Shane rushes and Jane throws the duffel bag down and jumps out the window and grabs her duffel bag as she stands.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay?" Jane asks heavy breathing and Shane lets out a sigh. "Don't worry about me" Shane states as he grabs his gun and they begin there journey to meet up with Otis.

They finally meet up with Otis but a dozen walkers are chasing behind him. Otis catches up and they begin running faster than ever. It's obvious Shane's ankle isn't okay and Otis lends a hand and pulls Shane along after he collapses from his ankle injury.

They shoot at various walkers and manage to get to the parking lot, a herd of walkers behind them. They are both down to their last round of ammunition. "Here!" Jane shouts as they run, she grabs the gun Rick gave her out of her back pocket and Shane checks the clip and sees there 5 bullets left.

Shane uses one every chance he gets but ends falling out on the ground. Jane and Otis stop "Jusg go! Take the bag and go!" Shane shouts and Jane and Otis shake their heads. "No! We have to go!" Jane shouts as Otis lifts Shane back up and Shane screams in pain but pushes through.

Shane hobbles as the walkers descend on them. With no other option of survival, he looks at Otis. "I'm sorry," he says, and Otis looks at him, confused, as Shane shoots him in the leg with his last bullet of Janes gun.

"Shane! Shane! What the hell!" Jane shouts as she stops running. "Shane!" Jane shouts and Shane turns around to face Jane as Otis screams in pain, falling.

"We go or we end up like him!" Shane screams and Jane shakes her head tears flooding her eyes. Shane gives Jane back her gun and bends down and grabs for Otis' backpack with the supplies Carl needs inside, but Otis fights him, grabbing at a chunk of his hair and punching him. Shane is eventually able to overpower him, take his gun, and leave him as bait for the walkers.

"Run! Now!" Shane says snatching Janes arm and forcing her run. Jane continues to let tears fall down her face as she looks behind her to walkers devouring Otis while Shane and Jane are able to run away unnoticed.

Shane and Jane make it back to the truck and Jane feels disgusting and sweaty. "How could you do that?" Jane asks as she looks over on the other side of the car at Shane. "I did it so we both could survive" Shane states and Jane walks around the car and looks up at Shane.

"He didn't deserve to die like that!" Jane shouts as Shane grabs both her arms and pushes her up against the car. He uses his one hand to grip Janes jaw roughly. Jane stomps her feet as Shane forces her too look at him.

"If you tell anyone what I just did, I swear I'll use my bare hands to snap you in half. Got that?" Shane asks and tears fall down Janes eyes uncontrollably as she kicks her legs. "Do you understand!" Shane shouts as he roughly pushes Jane into the car again and Jane nods her head quickly.

Shane let's go of Janes jaw and pushes her out of the way and gets in the driver seat of the car. Jane limps over to the passenger side and gets in, shutting the door beside her. Shane drives off quickly and Jane looks out the window feeling horrible that she'll have to lie to the people who literally saved her life at the CDC.

"It's for the best" Shane says as he continues driving the car, picking up the pace as he drives on the empty long rode back to the farm house.

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