Chapter 40.

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"But not as much as i like you bella" - y/n says winking after.

"I love you bambina" - Carina says kissing y/n after.

"You are perfection, my only direction, you're the love of my life" - y/n.

"Awh bambina you're the love of my life, i couldn't imagine my future without you" - Carina.

They kiss and set up for the puppy.

"Oh we need to ask Arizona and Callie if they can come over for dinner" - y/n.

"Oh yeah, i'll go call Arizona" - Carina.

Carina walks into the bedroom and calls Arizona, while y/n stays in the living room playing with the puppy.

"Hi Carina what's up?" - Arizona.

"Hi Zona, me and y/n we're just thinking that you, Callie and Sofia might wanna come over for dinner?" - Carina.

"Of course we would, that sounds fun then y/n can meet Sofia too" - Arizona.

"Yeah, i bet she'll love her" - Carina. 

"Yeah, so what time are you thinking?" - Arizona.

"Around 6:30 pm?" - Carina.

"Sounds great, see you guys then" - Arizona.

"Yeah see you Zona, bye" - Carina.

"Bye" - Arizona.

Carina goes out into the living room again and sits down on the ground with y/n and River.

"So?" - y/n.

"They are coming over at 6:30 pm" - Carina.

"Yay i can't wait, Arizona is my best friend i think.." - y/n.

"You think?" - Carina.

"Are you okay?" - Carina.

"Well i just don't really think i'm ready to give anyone that tittle yet" - y/n.

"Why?" - Carina.

"Well Lexie.... she.... she was my best friend since birth, it's just tough to let her go" - y/n.

"I know bambina, come here" - Carina.

y/n moves over to Carina on the floor and they sit there hugging.

"It's totally okay that you're not ready for that yet" - Carina.

"I love you bella, and how sweet and caring you always are" - y/n.

"I love you too bambina" - Carina.

A few hours go by and it's now about 5 pm.

"So bella, what are ou thinking for dinner?" - y/n.

"I was actually thinking about just cooking gnocchi" - Carina.

"Sounds good, how long does that take, we have about 1 hour and 30 minutes" - y/n.

"About an hour, since i usually make it from scratch" - Carina.

"Okay than i think we should start soon" - y/n. 

"Yeah" - Carina.

They start cooking the gnocchi about 10 minutes after.

They finish cooking and they set the table and all that ready for Arizona, Callie and to come.

"Carina, why are there five plates, when we are only four people?" - y/n. 

"You'll see when they come" - Carina.

"Okay? Well i wanna surprise them with the puppy, so maybe we can put the puppy somewhere and when they come i'll see who's the fifth person and then say well we kinda also had a surprise" - y/n.

"That's a great idea, let's put River in her crate and into the bedroom" - Carina.

"Yeah" - y/n.

They put River in her crate into the bedroom and close the door. 

There's a knock on the door. 

"It's them" - y/n.

"Okay let me get it" - Carina.

Carina get's the door and let's Arizona and Callie in but they leave the door open and Sofia outside ready for the surprise. 

"Hi Arizona" - y/n says going up and hugging Arizona. Same with Callie.

"Hi y/n and Carina, y/n we have someone we would like for you to meet" - Callie. 

"Okay i'm excited" - y/n says taking Carina's hand and holding her hand.

"Sofia, you can come in and meet our friend" - Arizona.

Sofia comes running in.

"Hi i'm Sofia" - Sofia.

"Hi Sofia, i'm y/n, who's this gorgeous girl?" - y/n.

"This y/n is Arizona and Callie's daughter" - Carina.

"I didn't know you had a daughter" - y/n.

"I wanted to surprise you y/n" - Arizona.

"Awh that's sweet, we kinda also have a surprise for you to see, well meet" - y/n.

y/n goes in and get's River while Carina makes Arizona, Sofia and Callie close their eyes, y/n comes back with the puppy.

"So you can open your eyes" - Carina.

"Guys we want you to meet our new family member, her name is River" - y/n.

"Awh she's so gorgeous" - Arizona.

"She's so cute" - Callie and Sofia say the same time.

"what race is she?" - Callie.

"She's an Austrailian sheperd" - Carina.

"Awh that's so sweet" - Sofia.

"Well shall we get to dinner?" - y/n.

"Yeah" - Everyone else says in choir.

They close the front door and put down River, they all sit down and eat their dinner.

After they have eaten the gnocchi, it's around 8 pm.

"That was so good" - Sofia.

"Thank you darling" - Carina.

"Yeah it was so delicious" - Arizona.

"I'm glad to hear that" - Carina.

"Well it was nice having dinner, with you guys and so nice to get to talk with you, but we have to go back home now" - Callie.

"That's okay, we'll see you tomorrow at work?" - y/n.

"Yeah we'll see you, bye" - Callie.

"Bye" - Arizona and Sofia.

"Bye guys" - y/n and Carina.

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