5 years

19 1 1

Tylin's POV

"Hmmmmmm"  *humming*. "Ah church it always helps me clear my head" I whisper to myself.  As I stand to leave Sacrament I realize it's a lot chattier then usual, there is a large group of people socializing in the back, while others are making there way to their classes with excitement hanging in the air, I hear a few hushed whispers that a few returned missionaries have just arrived. "Hmm interesting" I thought to myself.

As I walk through the doors I smell something so wonderful it could have only come from the heavens, it smelt of  fresh pine and sweet chocolate. "Could it be?"  I thought to myself,  "No way my mate couldn't be here." I sighed "I've been waiting 5 years for this moment. Could this finally be the day I meet my soulmate?".   As werewolves we normally find our mates around 21, I'm now 26 and was beginning to all but give up.

I walked the hallways searching for the source of this delectable smell. And then I saw him, standing with our bishop, smiling with the most beautiful teeth I'd ever seen. His hair fell right before his ears with gorgeous golden locks flowing all over is head. His eyes were the most intriguing green with golden flecks like a lake filled with precious gold. "Oh how I could get lost in those eyes."  He turned and smiled at me and I realized I must have said that out loud.

My cheeks turning redder by the second. I turn
Around to run out of there before I further embarrass myself, when I hear the most melodious and soothing voice say, "Wait!" I stop and slowly turn to see him now 3 feet from me with a sweet smirk on his face. "Well who knew my mate would be the most beautiful girl in the world." I blushed at hearing him call me mate. "I'm T..Taylin James" I say fumbling over my words. "I'm Sam Groves" he says while looking deep into my eyes. "How did I get so lucky" I kept saying to myself. And just as I'm about to say something. A man runs over and with a huge grin on his face says "Well well looks like our Alpha has finally found his mate". "Wait did he just say Alpha....."

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