Dipper's Side

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When Dipper woke up this morning, it was to the sun in his face and a killer headache.

He groaned as he slowly sat up and tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes. He was still tired. Why were his arms so stiff? Was he? Was he still in his suit? That's strange, he thought I've never fallen asleep in a suit before. He looked around his room and frowned to himself. When did he get to his room? And why was he still dressed?

What happened last night?

Dipper's head began to throb in earnest as images from last night's party came back to him. Meeting the guests at the door, taking Gideon and friends to get properly attired, losing two of them to the buffet stand, chatting with Pacifica, Mabel's scream, finding Mabel and protecting Pacifica, and then...

That was it. That's all he remembered. He frowned. That couldn't be right, surely something happened after that? Unless... unless he was knocked out by Mabel's magic last night? That would explain why he was in his bed fully dressed. And it would explain why he had such a bad headache. But why had Mabel hurt him like that? He had been doing exactly as he was instructed by Great-Uncle Stanford and Mabel so why had he been knocked out? Was it because he had protected Pacifica?

He sighed as he realised what this meant. The party last night had gone badly, very badly, and it seems Mabel was holding him responsible just as she had promised.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mabel and Stanford were already eating breakfast when Dipper joined them. He had come prepared for at least a lecture when he left his room but was pleasantly surprised when neither of them looked upset. "Good morning Great-Uncle Stanford, good morning Mabel."


"Good morning brother dear"

In fact, they seemed unusually happy.

It wasn't until Dipper had finished eating that either of them spoke again. Stanford placed his paper on the table and turned to face him. "Dipper. I'm afraid that I'm in need of some ingredients for one of my projects but I'm far too busy today to go and collect them myself. I would go tomorrow, but these ingredients must be added today and time is of the essence." He held up a list of different items. "I know you know your way around the forest and how to handle these ingredients so I'm entrusting the task of gathering them to you. I would send Mabel with you but she's needed at the Gravity Falls Mall in a hour to judge some type of contest." Dipper glanced over at Mabel who smiled and nodded happily. He turned back to his Great-Uncle when he continued talking "Do you think you can do this Dipper?"

He nodded. "Of course Great-Uncle Stanford, I won't let you down." Stanford smiled at him and handed over the list of ingredients.

"Good. Then you had better be on your way. As I said, time is of the essence. Please return to the manor as soon as possible" With that, he stood from his seat and left the room, leaving the twins in silence. Dipper looked over at Mabel who was grinning at him before he decided to go as well.

"I'd best be off then. Have fun with the Mall Mabel." He was just about to turn away and leave when Mabel reached across the table and tugged on his sleeve.

"Wait! As you know, my Giddy-kins left the party early last night, so he didn't get a chance to collect his gift bag. Can you bring it to him before you go to the woods?" She fluttered her eyelashes "Please brother dear?" Dipper smiled down at her.

"Of course Mabel. I'll drop it off on my way." Mabel thanked him before flouncing out of the room.

Dipper frowned to himself. Gideon left early? It must have happened after he was knocked out, he decided, before he too, left the room.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So that was how Dipper found himself at the Mystery Shack on a bright Thursday morning, two gift bags in hand as he decided how to best find the two friends that lived here. He was going to knock on the door to the house part of the shack when he heard Pacifica's voice off to his right.

He peered into the window of the gift shop and saw just the people he was looking for. Pacifica was swinging her legs from where she sat on the counter and Gideon was leaning on a broom facing her as they talked. Good, he thought. At least this can be over quickly. With that thought in mind, he raised his hand to knock on the door and watched as they both came towards him.

Pacifica opened the door and gaped at him. Gideon's head popped out from behind her. They looked very surprised.

"Dipper?" she asked "What are you doing here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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