Chapter 10 - When Stars Fall

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My dearest Isabelle,

I'm so sorry, from the bottom of my heart, that you have to go through such a thing. I wish that I could make everything better for you in a single moment. I would hold you in my arms and block the world out all day and all night if it would help you in the slightest. Please let the time between our last conversations be the least of your worries. I'm not upset at all. I just want to make sure you're okay.

Digby has not repeated any part of your situation to me, and therefore I must admit that I wasn't aware that he knew about it at all. That being said, if he really does know, then I'm surprised he hasn't stepped up to do what he can to help you out of this, considering he told me himself that he would rather throw himself into danger than to see you get hurt. Maybe he didn't quite receive the message in the way you had tried to imply over the phone and doesn't understand the severity of the situation.

I promise on everything I've ever known that you will find your way out of this problem and I will be here to help you every single step of the way. Unfortunately, I have to agree with you when you say it won't be easy, but I have no doubts that you'll reach the end when the time is right. You need to be very careful with what you do with the information you have and remember four crucial things before you make your first moves.

Recognize your comfort zone and never let anyone, including him, invalidate it. Even if he tries to force you or manipulate you to remain under his control, you have the power to fight against it. Remember that you do not owe him anything and if you feel the need to break away, you entirely have the right to do so. You are strong, you are powerful, and you are capable of everything you set your mind to.

Don't give him any reason to suspect you. Whatever you do, you must always create as much distance as you can from him before the moment arrives to stand up and fight for yourself. Always get the information first before you declare a strategy, otherwise you will never be truly prepared, and do whatever you can to keep him from figuring out that you're on his trail. Once you have all of the information to be able to shield yourself, then you'll decide your best move.

Stay close to your friends and make sure you keep yourself surrounded so that you keep yourself safe. Trying to solve a problem such as this while you're alone will only bring disaster. Even if he does want or try to hurt you, he can't do anything while you're under the protection of your friends. They will keep you safe and they will never let anything happen to you.

Remember that I am always here for you, no matter the outcome. Please let me know if there is anything you need and I will have it done for you. I can rearrange my schedule to take some time off of work to come and see you if you would like me to. I know that with the distance it won't always be easy, but I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you, and that's a promise.


On the twentieth of December in the year 1995, a young, loving shih tzu married couple gave life to twin puppies. The older twin was a girl they gave the name of Isabelle, and the younger one a boy they called Digby. The mother and father were wholeheartedly convinced that their children could achieve anything in the entire world that they would set their minds to and that they were born to shine like constellations in the night sky, and for several years into their lives, the children were taught to believe the same.

They had been unstoppable. They had the entire universe in their sights and they would always be prepared for any adventure that was waiting for them. Given the opportunity, they would have ruled the world. But they were much too young to see what the world truly was, and after all, it was much too easy to paint a future of rainbows and success in one's mind when they had nothing but a blind dream to change their world and a silly crush on a friend they met in preschool. It wasn't like one could simply count their way down to a happy ending.

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