Chapter 1 Broken

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Her Only Dreams

A Novel By Stephanie T.

Copyright Stephanie T. All Rights Reserved

DISCLAIMER: The follwing work contains violence, abuse, and graphic content. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! 

(Originaly a Paramore Fanfiction, but has been changed to fit other interests.) 

This is my first attempt at a full novel. I must warn you ahead of time of the grammar mistakes you are bound to encounter. I do hope you enjoy, nevertheless. 

Her P.O.V

            Paranoid. That’s what I felt at this point. My mind wasn’t in function, my body was numb, and I certainly was out of words. The silence killed me. No matter how much time passed, the unbearable dead sound consumed me. It was worse than standing in the middle of a crowd, because at least then you were reassured of existence. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, minutes? Hours? Days? I didn’t know; time here was unpredictable, the routine was the same. I’d wake up with nothing but blackness for a vision. I was in desperation, lost of hope and anxious. The emptiness was killing me. How much longer more to wait? I didn’t have the answer, but part of me knew this torture was the bright side to what was to come.

            My hands dropped weakly to the floor, tracing random patterns to distract myself, but what good could that do? I couldn’t move much; my legs were bind forcing me to the floor, not able to get up more than a kneeling position. They ached immensely, begging to be stretched but I had no choice but to ignore it.

            The familiar metal of my ring pressed against my palm. My fist closed slowly around it, then tightening hard. It was the only reassurance I had. Reminding me that life wasn’t always so cruel.


The sun outside the driver’s window shone bright and hard on my back. The sky was a clear blue, the road was empty, and my body ached after sitting in a car for three hours.  I had passed nothing but mountain and farm the whole ride. It could have easily been the worst day ever, but I was full filling my mom’s wishes, that just had to put a smile on my face. I was headed to Tennessee University. It wasn’t my ideal pursuit of a future, but things don’t always turn out exactly the way you want. Moving wasn’t all that bad, I would have rather stayed but it didn’t work out that way.

I pulled up in front of the well-known University. I left all my bags in the car as I made my way into the registration office. The campus was deserted. Just the occasional student or two were strolling from dorm to dorm. The wind swept through my hair fiercely; giving me slight chills causing me the hold close the top of my jacket closer before swinging the door open to the main office.

            The administrator was a middle-aged woman her hair covered in grey. A small pair of circular glasses hung off her nose and she smiled kindly when I stepped up to her. She made it as quickly as possible and sent me on my way with a room key and registration.

            I was the only student without a roommate. The board had more than enough students but managed to squeeze me in if I promised to do volunteer work to pay the cost of the extra room and expenses. It was quite nice of them but being squeezed in wasn’t always the best. It meant a smaller space. I spent that night unpacking and getting my room customized with what little I had. In the end I took a step back and admired the work. I was in university, something I never thought I’d do, yet here I was standing in a dorm. I must admit I felt accomplished, proud to be here. I felt like a new person. No longer the twenty one year old dependant of her parents. I was on my own now, independent in the world, and boy it felt good.

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