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River Wood
In the majority of fairy tales, some things contain essential. . . every minor detail printed in ink that some form of lesson teaches us.
Right or wrong, it all teaches a valuable lesson.
To be strong in any situation, no matter how much you want to give in, there is always a way to defeat whatever you facing.
To be weak are not a form of offer you make but rather a form of boost you give yourself.
Teaching yourself that you must stand stronger – you will defeat whatever you face . . . and if facing this alone means solitude – then so be it.
The power to change one’s life or to choose an everyday life . . . every single person is unique, and although we never think about how we differ, we all do.
Life is too short to be worried about the day off tomorrow - live for every single day.
The illusion of life plays off in fairy tales - meant to show us that in between dream lines . . . we all can be warriors at heart - follow your dreams and never give up.

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