Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! this is my very first story and so i would prefer no hate! xo-hail's

Imagine: you have been really sad since zayn left and you cant wait for him to get back from tour.

Everytime you think about him get really sad because he isnt there to hug or kiss your sadness away.

You laying in bed when you phone goes off. You slowly walk over and answer it seeing that it is Zayn.

Zayn: hey swettie! he says. He sounds really happy to hear you voice and so you try to act with the same happiness.

(your name): hi zayn! but its no use he knows you way to well and knows something is the matter.

Zayn: sweetheart what the matter? his voice a little less in his usual tone.

(your name): nothing i just miss you. "I wish i could hug you or kiss you i hate when you have to go on tour.

zayn: oh, well I will be home soon, then we can hug and kiss all night long.

(your name): this makes you fell a little better but you still miss zayn.

You start to yawn and you walk back over to your bed laying on the side that zayn would usually sleep on. You start to take deep breaths in and out because his cologne scent still lingers, not that you nedd to smell it to remember what it smells like anyway.

Zayn: "baby," he starts

(your name): yeah?

Zayn: you seem tired baby go to bed and i will call or text you in the morning, ok?

(your name): i tried earlier to sleep but with out you here its useless.

Zayn: just lay down and I'll sing you to sleep. And before you can say anything he starts to sing you to sleep.

You just lay there his voice so soft, warm and full of comfort. Pretty soon you drift to sleep, not worrying when Zayn will be back or how much the phone bill will cost you after a 12 hour talk.


When you wake up you realize you have sleeped almos all day. It was 3:37!

You heard a knock at your door and mumble something to yourself while you trud down the staircase. You open the door and the person you see standing at your door is the last person you ever expected to see there infront of you!

Mason??!! your voice hard with shock. he doesnt say anything just looks up at you and gives you a weak smile. all he lets out of him is a "hi" and barely gets it out.

(your name): Mason?! what the hell are you doing here?

Mason: i m really sorry how things ended between us. (he stops and looks at you weakly) I miss you.... and i was rong for what I did to you. "Im not wanting a second chance but i just want you to know that im sorry.

you are still shocked you moved into a new house with zayn less than a month ago. How does he know where you live already?

(yourname): thanks for that.....but um.. i have a boyfriend and this is kinda wierd but....

"How do you know I lived here I just moved here?"

his eyes widen you can tell he didnt think this through and he begins in a very unsteady voice.

Mason: um... well.. i kinda uhh...

(yourname): did you follow me or something?

Mason: well uh... I have to go because I um..... only had a few minuets to chat.

wow what a wierdo you thought to yourself." I havent even been here for half a year yet and that little creaper know where I live now." And with you shuting the door your phone rings from upstairs, you run up the stairs to get it, and see its Zayn.

(you): hi baby!

Zayn: oh good you seem happier today. Did you sleep well princess? he asked

you: perfectly cause you where there.

20 min. later....

Zayn: hey princess I gotta go we have to get on the plane no, but I'll call you when I land.

you: okay promise?

Zayn: of course love. (and with tht the call was closed)

You hated when he had to go onto airplanes because your mom died in a plane crash last summer. You where glad you where 18 cause then you could live with whoever and zayn offred and you accepted. After you where done talking to zayn you hopped in the shower nd sat in there just thinking thoughts. Well you didnt think it ws that long but before you knew it you where getting a spray of cold water. You quickly turned the knob and dried off only to realize you forgot you clothes in the bedroom again.

you: dammit! ugh you sigh wrap you towel around you and open the door only to be welcomed by the cold air and a farmiliar face catching you eyes. You open the door and scream.

Zayn was home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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