Finders keepers

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Isabelle was spying on her crush and the girl he was talking too she thought of a plan of killing her but she couldn't since people will know it was her who killed her since everyone in school thinks she's crazy..which she is. Jason (her crush) waved goodbye at the girl as he went to class and so did the girl but Isabelle snatched her up quickly before anyone could notice she was gone.

Without making her pass out she just swallowed her down her throat and into her belly, the girl squirmed and kicked a lot she even screamed too but nobody could hear since everyone was in class. "Aww I'm sorry but you made me do this~" she quickly digested her as she moaned a little while doing it and her boobs and butt grew a little bigger "you know.. I'm starting to get the hang of things with eating people now~" the bell ringed again for passing period she soon hurried back to school and acted like nothing has happened.

Some of the boys were amazed at her body figure and started cat calling her Isabelle did love all the attention but all she was missing was attention from her crush but no matter what she did Jason wouldn't even look at her. Did she have to eat everyone in the school just for him to notice her? I hope not but anyways, Isabelle followed her crush outside as he was sitting by the fountain reading a book she blushed while watching him even took some pictures too.

Soon gas started to build up in her stomach as she let out a loud burp with the girl skirt coming out of her mouth "EERRUUUERRRRPPP!!" she covered her mouth quickly as she ran away without him seeing her. Jason looked up from his book and looked around "strange was that an animal or something?" he shrugged it off as he went back reading his book.

She ended up in the hallway as she heard 2 girls talking about Jason as walked close to them and was over hearing their conversation.

Girl 1: "you know he's single right? You should totally go for him"

Girl 2: "I don't know that crazy girl Isabelle? She also likes him and I don't wanna get into it with her"

Girl 1: "omg girl forget about her she's a nobody I'll even come with you for support"

Girl 2: "t-thanks I'd like that" she said as they both went into class.

"Looks like I have 2 people to eat for tomorrow morning~" she said as she licked her lips.

{To be continued}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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