The Assasin

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I was about 5 years old. Me and my big sister, Sirenna, were playing water blast; this is a game where two people stood on a pavilion, they both had water next to them and the goal is to blast the other person off the pavilion. Then I felt something come over me, as if I was being controlled by someone else I was being forced to blast sharp pieces of ice at Sirenna. One went straight into her heart. Then the control let go. I turned around and saw a man, the control took over again. I felt that he was the one controlling me. I was sad enough to memorize his face for revenge. He let go of me and ran away. I ran to Sirrena, I tried to heal her but couldn't, she was dead. But each day I planned my revenge.
*End of Flashback*

I stood there looking at his face, trying not to show any anger.

Then he finally said, " I need to know the location of, Aqua, daughter of Poseiden."

I smirked and answered, " Don't you remember me? I thought you would after killing my sister."

" Ah, so you are that little girl I controlled? And didn't you ever notice that you were the one who killed, Sirrena Jackson?"
That statement hit me so hard. I have never realized that I threw those icicles at her. I tried to get that thought out of my head because he controlled me into throwing those at her. There was a whole angel and demon fight going on in my head.

Then I finally yelled, " I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO KILLED HER! I WOULD NEVER HAVE KILLED HER IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU...YOU JERK! YOU BLOOD BLENDED ME INTO DOING THAT!!!!!! I AM AQUA JACKSON AND WOULD NEVER KILL A CHILD OF POSEIDEN !!!!!!!!!" I collapsed onto my knees, tears streamed down my cheeks. I noticed that we were right next to the Poseiden cabin, I noticed just in time to see Percy run out of the cabin.
He looked straight at me.

Then he said in a surprised voice, " Wait, wait, wait. I have a sister??!! I don't believe you. I was always an only child."

" Well not now," I answered.

My stalker joined the conversation but he was only talking to me, " I made you kill one of your siblings and now I will make you kill another." He moved his arms the same way he did when he killed Sirrena. The control gripped but he didn't know that I practiced my blood bending each day. So, I moved my arms in the same direction as my stalker. It seemed that my blood bending was better than his because he lost his control. I twisted him, seeing pure pain in his eyes. I couldn't help it, I couldn't just see a man get tortured. I let go, when I let go he looked at me with surprise in his eyes.

He finally made out some words, " Weakling, you can't even hurt a fly," I was about to just ignore him but he continued and said, " Sirrena would have been ashamed." Now that was it that was the final straw.
I screamed, " SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I took my knife and stabbed him in the heart. That was the first time I ever killed a person.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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