The journey

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Zoe's PoV

"Are you sure we have everything?" I ask uncertainty looking at the pole of bags on my living room floor .

"Yeah everything except the kitchen sink" smirks my husband and fellow YouTuber Alfie .

I roll my eyes but it's so hard to stay mad at him with that cute little smile of his .

"What about you , hmm mila-rose?" I ask beeling down next to my beautiful new born daughter who's sleeping peacefully in her travel seat , well for now any way .

I can't believe she's already three months it still seems like yesterday I held her for the first time .

"Right I'll take the bags and are you alright to lock up?" He asks .

"Yep" I awnser picking up my daughter and looking down at her "time to go on your first holiday"

Jims PoV

"Jim" I heard tanya called me from our son Oliver's room .

I jog up the stairs and push open the door . Tanya's standing holding Oliver in her arms and trying to shh him .

"He won't stop crying , the taxis supposed to be here in five minutes and I've only packed half my suitcase" she exclaims holding back tears .

Think Jim I tell my self . I take my son and look into Tanya's beautiful eyes .

"It's ok you go Finnish packing I'll sort out Ollie" I tell her .

I manage to whiten olly before placing him in his travel seat . I then double check we have everything before tanya emerges lugging a huge suitcase just as the door bell goes .

Phew just in time I think .

Louise's PoV .

"Right darcy you need to be s good girl in the airport for mummy and daddy" I tell my daughter .

She looks so cute dressed in the cutest little pair of jeans and t-shirt .

"Yes mummy" she smiles melting my heart .

"Ready?" Asks my husband Matt , his head poking round the door .

I look at darcy and then down at my growing bump" Yep I say feeling a wave of nausea coming over me , great!

Marcus PoV

"Naomi are you ready?" I ask my beautiful fiancé eps holding our one year old son .

"Hey little man" I say taking him and holding him above my head . Delighted he lets out a fit of giggles .

"Yep just need to get the bags loaded" she smiles scooping her long blonde hair into a pony tail .

I can't help think how gorgeous she is .

"What are you staring at?" She asks

"Just how beautiful you are" I awnser .

She grins and presses her lips against mine .

Tyler's PoV

"Ty she's liked puked everywhere" yells my boyfriend Joey from our daughter Lilly graces room .

I groan at his alagation and leave my bulging suitcase to sort out the situation .

"For Gods sake joey it's like a millimetre" I tell him wiping her up .

"Cabs here" he calls from the window .

I buckle Lilly into her car seat and follow him downstairs .

Joes PoV

I have my son in his car seat on on arm a carry all around my waist and two suitcases in my other hand . I look over to my wife who also has a suitcase and a hold all .

Once were all loaded Finn lets out a cry .

"For gods sake" Hannah crys .

"What?" I ask .

"He needs changing" she awnsers .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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