To my dearest friend who may not read this.............

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It ws a week afer Paige had a child, Amaimon had ran off, not speaking to anyone. He tried to stay away fro all life, he didn't want anyone or anything  to see the true demon ghat he tried to keep hiden. He didn't want to harm anyone or anything like he use to. After he thought it was sfe to go back, he did, it resulted in a small argument between him and Paige. It was a complete shock to everyone that they were fighting like they were, normally they got along like they had known eah other since childhood, but they hadn't known each other that long at all. Paige wanted and tried to run off but everyone tried to get her to stay, even Aaimon. After a while of thinking. she decided to stay, everyone was so happy that she stayed, especially Aaimon, who thought he would and had lost her forever.

-----------------------------------------------THE END------------------------------------------------

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