Chapter 1

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Father Pov

I was busy with very important work and I got a call.

Call ...
Me : who is it
??? : excuse me, is this Stephan Black
Me : Yes it is , what do you want ?
??? : well we found your daughter Tessa sir
Me :  Really , ok send her to this address **********
??? : ok , Thank you. Will do
Me : bye
End of call ...

I can't believe it my baby is coming home after 13 years .

I cancelled all my meeting for the day and went home .

Me : Honeyy I'm home and I have a surprise to tell you

Amanda: hello , what is it ?

Me : First call the boys and Nessa

Amanda : okay

After some time everyone was settled
In the lounge room
Alexander: why are we here dad

Me : So your sister is coming back

Xander : what do you mean ?

Nessa : I am here dad

Me : not you , your twin sister Tessa

Aaron : REALLY

Me : Yes

Xavier : when is she coming

Me : tomorrow, Mason why are you quiet ?

Mason : Because I don't like her , and she is not my sister

With that Mason got up and left ( rude )

Me : give him some time to take everything in

Everybody is arguing who is going to be Tessa's favorite

I smiled knowing our family is going to be completed once again.

Tessa Pov

I found out I am going to be living with my dad after my step parents passed away .
I don't like them at all .They abused me physicaly and mentally  since I was 4 years old. They would beat me up every single day or even starve me.

Tomorrow I will be going to my dad . I hate my family too, they abandoned me and I will never forgive them for that .

All my things are packed for tomorrow

Lets see what tomorrow hold for me...

Nessa Pov

I was so happy that my sister is finally coming home . We are going to have so much fun together .

I can't wait...

Mason Pov
I was so angry how can they just say a outsider is our sister . She could be a gold digger , or even worse a slut

I will never accept her as my sister I only have one baby sister and thats Nessa no one else

Chapter 2 later today

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