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You awoke to strange music, once again forgetting you set your alarm as your Spotify on shuffle. It was extremely loud and slightly obnoxious.

You sat up groggily, cancelling your alarm and checking your notifications.

It was only 7am, but there were already new messages from the group chat.

I don't want 2 go

Ami <33
Good morning! :D

Morning sunshine!!
So guys I was thinking


Ami <33


Do you wanna go to IKEA? We need to get stuff for the apartment that's all yk

Yassssss queen!!!!!

Sure, as long as it's not bowling!

Cool pick you up at 10

Well. Guess you're going to IKEA now! You don't get a say. You have to go.

You rose from your floor mattress (you still don't have a bed frame) and stumbled out into the living area. Your waifu, Ami, sat manspreading on the natty sofa, a piece of toast slathered with apple cinnamon jam in hand. She smirked at you.

"Morning beautiful," she smiled, "Did you sleep well?"

You caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror in the corner of the room. You really did look beautiful. Your hair looked freshly styled and fluffy, with not an ounce of bedhead in sight. Your sapphire eyes glimmered in the morning sun, and you looked incredibly well-rested for someone who sleeps on the floor.

"I did, thank you. Are you excited to go to IKEA?"

"Can I wear my Heelys?"

"Um," you blushed, finding Ami so endearing, "Probably?"

She punched the air. "Let's GO!"

You chuckled at your little goofball and turned back to your room to get ready for the day. You scuffle through the mountains of laundry around your room (you don't have a wardrobe), trying on various outfit combinations. Nothing's right. It has to be perfect!

You break down on the hardwood floors, wailing and moaning.

You feel the familiar feeling of Ami's warm, masculine hand on your shoulder. She squats beside you.

"Hey," she says.

"I can't pick an outfit!" you howl.

"Let me pick for you," she murmurs in a way that sends chillies down your spine. "I was well known in the Mafia for having the best fashion sense."

You wipe your eyes. "You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you, baby."

She stares deeply into your eyes. You feel the old spark you always felt when Ami was just your big juicy crush and loving her for realsies was just a pipe dream. You feel the pair of you leaning in... closer... her face only inches from yours...

"Boop!" she flicks you on the nose and reaches for some clothes.

She presents to you the sequin blouse and embroidered jeans that you wore the first time you met "Mooch".

"Oh!" you said breathlessly, "This is what I wore the first time I met Mooch."

"When I fell in love with you for the second time, all over again..."



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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