The Bunker

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"Okay let me get this straight" Mira said between laughs " You tuned on the excessively large industrial magnet and just sucked in the car!"
"well when you put it like that... its not as awesome sounding"


After a while Letty walked in, followed by Mia, and lastly the last person Mira could have ever imagined. Han. "Nice clubhouse" Mira squealed and ran, jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, grabbing his face in between her hands and peppering kisses all around his face. "Oh My Pretzels YOU'RE ALIVE" Then she placed her face in the crook of his neck and just savored the moment within his secure arms that had always protected her since Rio.

Jakob heard her squeal and immediately looked through the bars between the door. He found the woman he loves jumping into the arms of a man who was supposed to be dead. Not only that but he saw his brother, hug Han like brothers do. His eyes showed immense rage yearning for what he felt was taken from him.

Mira couldn't bring herself to let go of Han's arms. He was her big brother after all. She knew Han felt the same about keeping her close in these moments by the way he kept glancing at her, almost as if he couldn't believe she was there. She felt eyes on her (throughout the years she became quite good at that), she turned towards the door where Jakob was and their eyes connected. She loosened her grip on Han and began to walk towards him. Only a few feet away, Dom grabbed her forearm. "Mira." He warned. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let him out. Just stand on the other side and talk. He could use a friend. Like you once did" She replied laughing.

"hi jake" the brunette smiled a toothy grin at him. "it's not nice to stare so often. It becomes so obvious that I can't even ignore it anymore" "I wasn't looking at you" Jakob grumbled. "Oh yes you were. You were glaring daggers at my hold on Han's arm. And don't lie and say it's because he's actually alive." Jakob said nothing but continued to look at her. Mira's joking attitude shifted to something more real, more intimate, more vulnerable as she spoke. " I know. I know how you feel. We all have everything you've ever wanted. Dom's trust and caring brotherly attitude. A family that cares about you and that would never turn their back on you. The only one preventing all of that from becoming yours is you."

As she finished, sirens started ringin in the bunker as Otto and his men came filing in. Jakobs door began to open.

"Jake... it was you.. the rogue agent"

"it was me." Jakob confirmed "Dom, you ever think about how Mr. Nobody found you? Think he just dropped out of the sky and chose you? I ran missions with Mr. Nobody out of this place for years. I've been looking for that key for a long time, Dom. And you just handed her over. I told you. This is my world." 

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