After the escape

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A few hours have past since Henry along with his teammates Dave Panpa, Geoffrey Plumb, and Thomas Chestershire escaped they've been wondering the dessert for ages

Dave: we've been waking forever

Thomas: I for one am exhausted

Geoffrey: well I'm thirsty. This heat is killing me

Henry spots a road up ahead

Henry: wait guys I see a road we can get a ride outta here

suddenly they spot a helicopter the unknown pilot sees them and lands to Henry's surprise it's Jacob from the Museum

Jacob: wait a minute I know you. you're that guy who stole the diamond! *notices Dave*
Dave?! What are doing out here

Henry: the real question is what are you doing out here?

Jacob: I'm on my way to government's new base. What you all doing out here topapats?

Thomas: we're not Toppats anymore they betrayed Henry our original leader thanks to that red haired girl named Ellie and now we're here

Jacob: did you say Ellie?

Geoffrey: he did yes why?

Jacob: that's my sister

All: what?!

Henry: she is?!

Jacob: yeah. I should have known she'd join those clowns

Henry: we'll discuss it later. Right now can give us ride?

Jacob: how do I know you're not gonna betray me and the Pilot?

Henry: pilot?

Out comes Liam Rogers

Liam: hey

Henry: oh that makes more sense. But that aside we'll drop our drop our weapons and you can take us there

Jacob: fine but I've got my eye you guys this is my first day as a solider so don't try anything mischievous

Dave: even me? But all I did was get captured

Thomas: just give him the weapons and let's go im gonna get sunburned from this heat

Jacob: alright fine get in

Geoffrey: by the way do have any water? I'm kinda thirsty from that heat

And so they fly away to jungle base

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