90's TV Show

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“Hey my love, why are you crying? Did you miss mommy?” Athena whispers as she gently bounces Alessio against her.

“I think his back teeth are coming in, that’s why he has being fussy all morning.” Hendrik walked out of the room stark naked, shocking Athena and Dante.

“Dude what the hell? At least put some clothes on.” Dante laughs as he tries to cover Athena’s eyes.

“I told you to wait in the room.” Shouts Gisele as she runs behind Hendrik with a sheet to cover up his over exposed areas.

“Well excuse me for wanting to see my best friend.”

“Don’t you dare come near me naked Hendrik or I swear to God that I will punch you.” Dante exclaims as Hendriks moved towards him with arms wide open.

“First the woman I slept with tries to hide me and now my best friend doesn’t want to hug me, Athena why do I attract assholes?” Hendrik fakes a sniffle before being met with a comforting pat on the shoulder from Athena who looked to be juggling two babies now.

“Come here my nugget so that mommy can deal with uncle Hendrik, he’s being a bigger baby than you are.” Dante carefully removed Alessio from Athena’s arms and cradled him whilst gently blowing against his forehead.

As Dante rocked Alessio back to sleep, Athena took the opportunity to grill Gisele on what happened between her and Hendrik last night.

“He drives me crazy, to the point where I want to rip off his clothes and shut him up.”

“The sex must be wild then.”

“Let’s just say thank God Dante had soundproofed the bedrooms of this building.”

The two ladies continued their morning gossip session before being interrupted by Dante.

“Alessio is asleep, I put some bourbon on his gums to help with the teething.”

“Is that safe?” Gisele questioned.

“Yes, most paediatricians recommend doing it.” Athena answered.

“My father soaked my pacifier in bourbon and I turned out just fine.” Hendrik joked, interrupting the conversation.

“Okay, maybe we should be worried.” Athena quipped at Hendriks expense.

“I got to get to work, call me after lunch with your mother?” Dante voiced before kissing Athena on the cheek, she slightly nodded agreeing to his request.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” Hendrik replied.

“I was talking to Athena you dick.” Dante laughed as walked out of the apartment.

“So dinner with your mother, this calls for some wine.”

The Mayor’s office 

Dante had just settled at his desk and was enjoying the tranquillity of silence but this was short lived as Crystal barged into his office and locked the door behind her.

“What the hell is going on with you Dante? Did you even bother to read any of my text messages? The media is having a field day after you left the gala with another woman. Athena is a slut, she’s going to ruin your reputation.” Crystal screeched as she threw a local newspaper on Dante’s desk.

“Watch your tone Crystal, we may have fucked but that doesn’t mean I won’t hesitate to snap your neck if you ever disrespect Athena again. We’re done now get the hell out of my office.”

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