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V3: Tenko, Angie, Kokichi, Shuichi, Kiibo, Kaede, Rantaro,

V2: Nagito, Ibuki, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, , Mikan

V1: Makoto, Byakuya, Celestia, Mondo, Kyoko, Chihiro, Ishimaru, Junko, Mukuro

It wasn't unusual for complete chaos to take over the courtyard the moment school let out. Students gathered around to watch as, yet again, the idiots of the third year class challenged one another.

Sometime in the 30 years Hope's Peak has been open, the more fights you start and finish, the more likeable you become.

For a school recorded for its juvenile delinquent population, it came as no surprise. Staff didn't bother trying to stop the fights anymore, and some even stayed to watch, wagering bets on who would win.

The answer was always Kaito Momota. A jackass, in simple terms. Only cocky bastards and masochistic fools dared go against him. Yet it continued to happen.

Specifically by a student called Y/N. They would pester him, taunt him until he finally agreed to meet in the courtyard. He didn't know why they were so insistent, he didn't care. Kaito had no arguments against getting to beat up some frail imbecile every so often.

"Come on!" Someone yelled. "Punch them already!"

Kaito rolled his eyes, looking at the crowd nonchalantly in the area he heard the yell. "I'm getting to it, so shut the fuck up." He looked back at Y/N, who only just smiled at him. They had no intention of fighting back. They never did. "Quit smiling at me, you fucking weirdo. I'll punch your teeth in!"

Y/N didn't respond. Kaito swung his fist and it hit their stomach, directly in the gut. They coughed and held their torso, though instead of grunting in pain, soft chuckles, barely audible for anyone to hear over the cheers of the crowd. The small shake on Y/n's body was confused for pain, though it was just small laughter admitted from them.

Laughter spread through the gathering audience like wildfire. It was amusing to watch Y/N be completely and supposedly helpless.

They lifted their head and grabbed Kaito's wrists, kneeing him in the gut in retaliation. He grunted and Y/n pushed him to the ground in Kaito's moments of weakness, although he had enough strength to struggle and thrash around making it a bit difficult for Y/n, nonetheless, they managed to get Kaito on his back and completely helpless at Y/n's disposal.

The laughter stopped for a brief second to actually take in what was happening. Y/N had Kaito pinned. It wasn't like he'd never been pinned to the ground or fought back against in Hope's Peak's infamous fights before, but by Y/N? This was new.

"So this is how it feels..." Y/N laughed, grabbing his collar and punching him in the mouth. "When the roles are reversed!"

Kaito came out of his shocked state and finally swung his legs up, successfully knocking the psychopathic teenager off of him and into the grass field next to the courtyard. He kicked them in the side, again and again, making them pay for the momentarily humiliation that was done to him.

Y/N waited for him to be satisfied while their blood dripped onto the fresh cut grass, staining the green into a red.  A bloody nose and a bruised side later, Kaito had stopped and left to make fun of the teenager lying on the ground to his friends, in pain by Kaito's own doing.

This was expected by everyone in the courtyard, of course. Y/N only wanted to see how it felt to reverse things for a single moment, wanting to see what it felt like to be the one giving pain instead of receiving it. They didn't want to hold that power the whole time.

People dispersed from the crowd around them, and Y/N finally sat up, the newly formed bruises on their body aching. A few kids gave them a quick kick in the ribs on their way out.

"Hey." A very quiet, shaky voice said in front of Y/n. They glanced up and were met with the flustered face of some guy they recognized from their P.E class, though they could never remember the name of them, which meant they probably weren't important. "Why...why'd you let him win?"

"Oh." They offered a smile to the blue haired stranger, standing up and dusting off the dirt that stuck on their uniform from the fight. "Don't worry about it..." Y/n said before walking back inside the building, the sound of a bell ringing from the speakers for students to get to their next class.

The blue haired boy was left alone outside, shaking in what seemed to be delight and arousal, as he dabbed his finger slowly onto a single blade of grass, Y/n's blood now on his index finger.

The boy slowly lifted his finger to his mouth, his tongue swiftly licking his digit as the metallic taste settled on his tongue.

He sat there for a few moments, savoring the taste of a newly found obsession before someone called out to him, a peer of his in his next class.

"S-Shuichi Come on! W-We're going to be l-late!" Kokichi Ouma, one of Shuichi Saihara's friends came running out, his dark purple hair bouncing as they ran quicker to get to their friend and to their class.

Shuichi took one last look to where the (hair color) haired student took off, before standing up and walking with Kokichi, making a mental note to get more information on who Y/n was.


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