Pretty boys (kirishima pov)

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Ugh this sucks... detention how will I convince everyone I'm 'a good student' meh. I'll end up ruling this dump soon.

Well, I suppose it's not that bad, I saw this cute green haired boy. I could feel my heart flutter, I just bent down to pick up my pencil then he kneeled to help me. But, I promise the next time someone kneels it will be me, with a ring, and a smile.

I then saw a, hot blonde haired boy. Spiky hair, red eyes that I could drown in. I could fell his warmth from the front of the class, he had a short temper but I can work with that.

Well after meeting the boys I feel so just flustered when there around me, but not the normal way. A more of a "love me or I'll kill everyone" vibe. Man, those watt pad stories are getting to me, lord I need to chill out. It's just, they make me feel... alive. I've never felt so alive I have been living for awhile but not like this, this was so much stronger.

I suppose I need to explain this detention of mine, the blonde hair and a blue haired we're arguing so I stood up for the blonde. I guess I was a little to extreme because I might've said... "you better back off or I'll watch the blood slit from your neck as I laugh maniacally." But it was just a joke! I think the green hair got it, he came behind the blue haired one and whispered in his ear, "he's right, but I'll make it so much more painful if I get to you first~" I giggled under my breath, I figured he thought I didn't hear him but I heard him louder then the blondes scream. This caused me, blondie, and green hair detention, while the nerd had to go the councilor.

Well that's all that happened so far

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