1.hate you😓

192 13 1

Sorry just wanna write what's on my mind. If you don't like it......fine🥺

Corrections Will be edited soon.
Just deal with it for now!
Since I'm not really good at English so yahh!!!!😹


Ancient time

Lan zhan was forced to go to the wen clan because wei ying called him.
Now he is standing under the tree, near a lake he saw picnic blanket with basket of food. From the look of it, he doesn't really like the foods inside it.

Wei wuxian: surprised!!!!!
He said popping out behind the tree look at lan zhan and smile at him wildly."ohhh how I missed you lan zhan!!"

Lan zhan: hangguang-jun! Call me hangguang-jun! You don't have any Rights to call me by my name.
Lan zhan said demanding him.
Making wei wuxian frown and stop talking. He looked down and raise his head again with a smile.

Wei wuxian: ayohhhh ok ok ok but ...... I'm your soon to be wife so I have All the Rights to call you that hahaha.Come on lan zhan sit down let's eat.

Lan zhan:" Force soon to be wife!"
Lan zhan correcting him
you call me for this? It's a waste of time I'm going now.

Lan zhan said and walk away but Wei wuxian stop hip " lan zhan! lan zhan! wait ! Wait!" He shouted and stand in front of him.

Wei wuxian: lan zhan how can this be a forced marriage if we like each other.

Lan zhan: I don't have that kind of feelings for you wei wuxian! We're here so that there will be a good alliance between our clan!
If this continues do you think we will be both happy in the future. Your clan keeps on causing trouble why don't you solved it first before this !
He said and walkout.

Wei wuxian: lan zhan!!! If you leave me here ......(sobbing).. everything is not going to be the same again! (Sob)

But lan zhan doesn't listen and just leave riding his sword not wasting a single glance at him.

Wei wuxian was so broken at what he said he removed his ring given by the Lan as a simble of there engagement. And left it on the rock . He looked at the lake it was so pretty he walked into it with his eyes crying. He dive into the lake and let himself drown on the water.

Jin liuh, the second madam of jin clan. Saw his actions he has the chance to save him since she is good at swimming. But if she save him then the hangguang-jun of lan clan will still be meried with him and he won't have a chance. So she just run away and wait until 1-2 hours until three maidens past by her.

Maiden: second mistress Jin, why are you still here in the middle of the night.

They saw that the Young mistress of Jin is shaking "nothing just wondering around" she said and quickly run away.

When the maidens reached the Small open Hanshi near the lake they saw young master wei body floating in there looked like Dead.

With that the maidens shout loudly asking for help and all the deciple went in there. The first one to came is wen xu and his personal deciples. Then quickly dive into the lake and grab his body and call the healer.

Next day~~~~~~~~

Wen Qing: Young master Wei's body is now ok but from what I see his soul seem to be not in there.

Wen Xu: is he supressed?
He said worried.

Wen Qing: no his not, but Hill wake up soon I guest.

Wen Ning: but isn't it weird who the he'll will push him in the lake.

Wen xu: we need to investigate! Who ever it is! He'll get to taste my sword.

With that they all went out for investigation.

When Wei wuxian father died and mother died. He became the Young master of wei clan but since he was still 5 years old the wei clan is getting even more poor without a sect leader.

With that wen ruohan take the responsibility and he take care of Wei ying like his real son so Wei ying start calling him uncle. Until he grew up . Starting that day the wei clan is no more bacause they joined forces and become a member of Wen.

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