Chapter 1 - Xavier

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2:19 a.m. in big blue numbers is all I see in my pitch black bedroom. Spending yet another night with my biggest fan, insomnia. I pull my laptop from my bedside table, bringing up the webpage and searching for some music, rock now softly filling my room. As I am about to put the laptop aside, I see an ad for some Dreamdaily pills. Intrigued, I click on it and read on.

Enhance your ability to not only stay asleep, but acquire the ability to lucid dream at a pills notice. Dream better, dream deeper, dream safely, dreamdaily. *NON-addictive

Lucid dreaming always interested me & having trouble sleeping I figure I might as well try to have a little bit of fun with it, right? I end up placing an order, even paid for one day delivery.

Electronics now aside, I pull out a bowl and take a few hits. Forgetting how much life has weighing on my shoulders. Letting the high drift me away from insanity with ever flowing music in my ears. I drift off into a dreamless sleep until morning.

My eyes open and my room is showing signs of morning. No longer pitch black, the deep blue walls are being caressed by sunlight spilling in through the makeshift cover curtains. I close my eyes once more, demanding the world for more sleep, knowing well it won't come. Eyes still closed, I reach over for my bowl to start my day. Is it so bad I smoke to stay sane? My friend Mari has done nothing but bring me as close to my old self as I can be at the moment. Keeps me from going crazy in this corrupt ass world. I take a deep breath, letting my stress loose with my exhale. I open my eyes, and the room looks a little brighter, more positive.

My phone buzzes on my desk, Talia, it has to be. My girlfriend. I think about our current situation, and feel a sharp sting in my chest. She's been distant lately, less interested. I have a feeling she'll be ending it soon. Maybe she's screwing around, I have no clue. I stay, on the off chance we can fix things. We use to be so in love, I could see the twinkle in her eye every time she looked at me. The twinkle has long since left. Her text read "need 2 reschedule lunch. sorry x." No big surprise there.

To hell with it, I'll go get some food myself.

Before too long, I'm dressed and headed out the door to my car. On my way to Applebees I get stuck at a red light, and notice something odd. The girl in the convertable in front of me looks familiar, long brunette hair, tucked behind her ear... is that Talia? Leaning over to the drivers side, she's kissing this guy? Have I just caught her? She brings her left hand up to touch his face, that lets me know. The beautiful rose tattoo on her wrist is in perfect view.

I pull out my cell, dialing the sluts number immediately. I see her look down, as my call is forwarded to voicemail. My head is pounding, thoughts getting irrational. I should floor the gas, give them a nice love tap, maybe that would get her attention. My phone vibrates, "busy with family, luv u". I look back up, seeing them lip locked again. The light just turned green, I honk with no hesitation, instantly gaining his attention. Fuck Applebee's, I'm following them.

After a few turns down some neighborhood streets, they stop at a relatively nice house at the end of a dead end street. I pull up right behind his car, getting out as soon as I have mine in park. They're already walking towards the door, but I quickly win their attention. I have no idea whats about to happen here,

"Who the fuck are you, pretty boy?" my voice doesn't betray me by shaking.

"Josh, and you are?" He doesn't seem too phased either.

"Xavier, and that would be Talia. My girlfriend" Looking at her with fire in my eyes. Her eyes glued on the ground. "Ex girlfriend now. As if I have to say."

Josh looks at her, then back to me, "Excuse you? You said girlfriend? Talia and I just got engaged."

My heart sinks, but I keep my poker face strong, "Yeah, excuse me, Josh. You can have the cheating slut."

Im not too sure what happened with them, but I headed home. Music and video games were my day. The clock reads 8:36 p.m. and I realize I haven't checked the mail all day. Sure enough, my Dreamdaily pills had come in. Maybe this will help with the day I've had. Its still pretty early, but I decide to call it a night. Taking a few hits of my medicine, then the recommended dose of Dreamdaily, and I was out like a light.

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