2.1 Deuce Souls

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Raw emotions, raw pain

"Rouse yourself. We don't have time for fainting fancies right now. There is a battle raging around us do you not see?" A cold mocking sneer rang in my ears. Lucius. "I don't see why your father let silly little princesses into battle. One is already dead. Couldn't even save the country let alone herself. Pathetic."

Blinding rage boiled in the pit of my stomach, and without giving a second thought, I threw myself at him, scratching, biting, screaming, punching, kicking, not caring if I was making a scene, not registering the fact that he was 'on the same team as I was' so to speak. I wasn't going to let my twin get mocked by a cowardly lowlife, not right after she just died.

"CALM YOURSELF, CHILD," Lucius barked, but I did not register his words, anger roared in my ears, blocking out his cold, piercing words.

How would that fool even know how it feels? This cold-hearted, halfwit who had no feelings for others, but only for himself?

"Lucille? Lucille, please stop. I know how much she meant to you, she meant a lot to all of us but please not now. Hang in there okay? We got you." Another warm, gentle yet firm voice awoke in my head, calming the waves of rage in my head. I collapsed to the ground, exhausted from battle, overwhelmed by emotions, barely registering the pounding pain in my head. I stumbled into a pair of open arms, embracing me and the mess of emotions. Not even registering where I was, I let raw emotion overcome me as I was swept away in the warm embrace of a motherly figure, tears rolling down my bruised, weary face.

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