"Dad, I'm going for a walk. Should I bring Via with me?" Max said. "No, she'll stay with me." Mr. Voughn said. Max nodded as he stepped out the door and closed the door behind him. On the sidewalk, several cars continuosly drove by him. A boy passed by him. As he did, a gust of wind flew his hair back as if a ghost just went through him. He looked back to see the boy looking straight at him. They ignored it but kept on walking. After Max looked away, a smile slowly grew on the boys face. He literally smacked Max in the face wind. Though the face of the boy didn't bother him, something else made him stop in his tracks. He suddenly felt like he'd met him before. But where?.. He had the urge to follow him, and he did. "Hey!" "Huh? Oh, you again. Who are you?" Max said, turning around to find the boy again. Panting, the boy introduced himself. "My name is Wind Cyder. I'm sorry about earlier." Wind said. "Wind? My name is Max Voughn. Why are you apologizing?" Max asked, tilting his head. "I made the gust of wind go through your hair. I'm sorry." Max looked surprised. "Wait.. That was you? Really? How?" Max said in awe. Their smiles both faded as they thought the same thing. They stared at each other until Max suddenly said "Have I seen you before?.. " They have, but where?
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