Chapter 8, Flashback's ending and answers

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Two very very large persons one had a bow in his hand and other had mace, they both started walking towards me, I thought that they were going to kidnap me so I took out the dagger which kanha mama gave me. They both looked at me and their eyes widen a bit then the mace wielder said "Putri, why do you have this dagger in your hands instead of a doll" I replied "Oh so Mr. stranger 1 you think that girls cannot take up weapons" "No I never said that I meant aren't you a bit too young to wield such weapons" he said with a smile like a genuine one. "No mr. stranger I am not, I may seem so but I am excellent in sword fighting and other weapons" I said with a bit of pride, "Do even no how to wield a mace?" Mr. stranger 1 asked "Yes and No, Yes because I know how to and no because I don't use it unless it is needed" I said this time in normal tone "Do you also know how use a bow and arrow?" Mr. stranger 2 asked "Yes, only two can defeat me my brother Abhimanyu and my bel- I mean Bhanu" I said maybe a bit dreamily when I said Bhanu, "WAIT! You are Abhimanyu's sister, you are Arjun nandinni and Subhadrasuta" Mr. stranger 2 said. "Yes and no, but before you ask any other questions who are you?"I asked "I am yuvraj of Hatinapur and your kakashree" He said hesitating in between "I was waitin to meet you! I know you think that I might be upset but I ant to know the reson as everything has a reason" I said "Really..?" Mr. stranger 2 asked who I assume to be Angraj "Yes! And pranipat Angraj" I said wiith a cheeky demeanor, After that we would always talk to each other at same point I even meet their children and we formed the mysteries than I was used to calling Angra 'dad' as he was always overprotective even more than Kaka ashwathama, you will not believe me but kaka ashwa is very very over protective and when I say that Dad is overprotective I mean that he is the definition of over protectiveness.

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