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bea's backstory

warnings : mentions of
fighting & foul language

warnings : mentions offighting & foul language

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     "I DON'T wanna be your friend any more! you're rude and care nothing about me!" Bea yelled and pointed at the redhead

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     "I DON'T wanna be your friend any more! you're rude and care nothing about me!" Bea yelled and pointed at the redhead. "fine then! i don't wanna be your friend either!" she yelled back. And with that Bea stomped on the ground before huffing and walking away. Her and her best friend had been fighting for the past days, and honestly coming home wasn't the best idea.

     Bea was happy with her life in California. She had nice parents, a caring sister, a nice best friend, and a very nice house. But all of that was gone in just a day. When she came home after a fighting with her best friend, she saw both of her parents yelling and screaming at each other. that was pretty shocking to see as they rarely even fight or yell. When her parents notice Bea, her dad told her to go upstairs and pack her stuff. "you cab bring as much toys and clothes as you want. just make sure you get everything you need" dad told her. Bea nodded and went upstairs, also seeing her older sister crying and packing her stuff there. Bea tried to ask her sister on whats going on, but instead she just shrugged and smiled. Bea was confused, i mean that kid is just ten at the time. What did you expect?

     After packing her suitcase, she struggled to close it as it was filled with clothes and mostly toys. "Come on let me help you" Her dad says closing the suitcase and bringing it outside her room. "Let's go on a trip yea? to my hometown it'll be fun!" — "Oh okay!" Bea clapped as she thought it was gonna be a family trip all together. She followed her dad downstairs and went into one of their cars. "What about sissy and mommy?" Bea asked as her dad as he doesn't seem to bother at all. "Uh they'll be staying here" — "But why?" Bea questioned. "mommy and sissy has to stay to look after the house okay?" Her dad smiled. "Oh okay then!" Bea chuckled, putting on her seat belt. Her dad drove, for a very long time. Until they finally arrived at Hawkins, Indiana. "Hey, hey wake up bee, were here" Her dad whispered causing Bea to wake up and rub her eyes. "We're here at your aunt's!" He added. "Give me 5 minutes" Bea groaned.

     After a few minutes Bea finally got up and grabbed her small suitcase. She went in and hugged her aunt who smiled at her. Bea was told to get in the house while the two adults talk about some 'grown up stuff' they said. Bea walked in and went to the room she was told and unpacked her stuff. After unpacking her aunt came in and told her, dad was going away for a while but he'll come back soon. She was confused on whats happening but her aunt refuse to tell her and said that she'll get it when she's older.

     And from that on, Bea lived in Hawkins, Indiana with her aunt. She went to Hawkins Middle School and made friends with Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas. She became good friends with them and would hangout all the time. She loved how they were not like her old friends from California. They cared about her. But that's until her ex best friend moved to Hawkins, Max Mayfield.

 But that's until her ex best friend moved to Hawkins, Max Mayfield

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❪ MARS SPEAKING !! ❫⠀so um hi??? idk what to sayits 6 am i'm trying to get readyfor school but i'm gonna writethis instead of doing that

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so um hi??? idk what to say
its 6 am i'm trying to get ready
for school but i'm gonna write
this instead of doing that.

574 WORDS !!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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