Little update and some tweaks to the story

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I haven't been on this story in a while, therefore a lack of updates and there's a reason for this. Something went wrong and multiple chapters had been returned to the save where they had no words or images on them. I am salvaging what I can but that will take time and so, a few ideas that I had and retconned some of the book's finer details.

(Y/N) had been visited in his room by the creator of the Omegatrix or Megawhat to reveal that it was a human that was abducted by tyrannical group of aliens that used the human's galvan-like intelligence to build weapons for them including the Megawhat or Omegatrix and it was sent to be mass produced until a group of thieves intercepted the transport ship and the watch was launched into earth's atmosphere only to be found by (Y/N). (Both the appearance and playlist have a slight change to them)

The Megawhat was intended for war. While it was based off of the Omnitrix, though, the creator disagreed with some of the features because the Omnitrix was a tool for peace. Instead of 10 DNA samples, there are 20 (plus 1 since a galvanic mechamorph had been scanned) and the ultimatising of DNA. The new Megawhat was slightly more accessible than the previous iteration. The faceplate of the watch was circular with a green hourglass-like emblem in the center, two black buttons on the sides on the dial. There were mini green extensions on the strap of the watch.

How the watch is activated is by pressing the large two buttons on the side of the faceplate, making the core pop up

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How the watch is activated is by pressing the large two buttons on the side of the faceplate, making the core pop up. The core will show a black silhouette on a green background and the user can twist the core to show many more silhouettes, like a dial. When the user finds the form they want to transform into, they slam the core back down into place and in a flash it happens.

The playlist that the wielder operates on is:

Pyronite: Infernoid

Crystalsapien: Energyze

Petrosapien: Crazy Diamond (Yes, this is a JoJo's reference)

Conductoid: Output (I read Ken0060 's comment and I loved the name Output for a Conductoid.)

Aerophibian: Slipsting

Kineceleran: F45T

Vaxasaurian: Kaijumungous

Tetramand: Asura

Sonorosian: Soundbite (Because he's bite size)

Galvan: Intelittle

Ectonurite: Phantasm

Amperi: Jelectric

Gimlinopithecus: Thunderfoot

Druczik: Landslide

Vulpimancer: Hellhound

Prypiatosian-a: Atom Bomb (You could probably guess who this is)

Appoplexian: Irk (It means bold and impudent behaviour. Or used to refer to something bitter or cruel)

Orthopterran: Crash-Attack

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