School's Starting Soon :(

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Hello... School is starting next Friday and I've taken up the Creative Writing class, so because of that I've decided to delete my stories and start fresh. Again. To be honest, I'm proud of my stories when I first write them, but then hate them a few days later 'cause I think they're rubbish.

I can never continue with them, I always get sidetracked and begin to write something else or lose interest in them. If I am going to start a series it's going to take a long time and while I'm fine with that, other people won't be. 

I'm hoping now that school is coming back and my parents are setting a study schedule *rolls eyes* that it'll be easier to write. I've been real lazy the past few weeks and haven't really done much.

I've gone a story in progress already, I'm determined to get past 3 chapters with this as I'm quite interested in this one. I had a dream roughly a month ago about some people who could turn into animals and had this fight. This one girl, who could turn into the beautiful white wolf, got hurt near the end and somehow stopped the fight. I don't remember everything that happened and most of the details but I remember three of them having some sort of special power, the girl being one of them. 

I probably won't get far with it but I'll try. I've also done a bit of artwork for it, I even drew the cover for it :D which I am proud about ^^ 

Well that is all for now, I'm off to go listen to The Fray and try and write a bit more, if not I'll be tumblring.

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