Our First Encounter

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I'm at the nearby café i usually would go to everyday with my earphones on listening to Seventeen's falling for you

Y/N: may i have an iced americano please. Pays*

Cashier: Please wait a moment for me to get some change

Y/N: sure no problem

???: could i please have a medium latte?

Cashier: Do you have any change sir?

???: Let me check

Y/N: umm, excuse me you can have his drink paid with the change i'm supposed to receive.

Cashier: Ok ma'am, sorry for any inconvenience

Y/N: That's alright

??? POV

I didn't have any change and it didn't seem like the café had any either but then a girl paid for my drink?? That's nice but still she didn't have to, they could have kept the change. She's kinda pretty tho....I followed her out the café to thank her and somehow repay her


I walked out the café and decided to take a stroll down the road and enjoy the scenery but then i felt a hand tapping my shoulder... it was the man from earlier who was well covered up

???: Excuse me

Y/N: umm yes? How may I help you?

???: Oh i just wanted to thank you for paying for my latte

Y/N: that's alright, it wasn't much

???: I'd like to pay you back somehow, i feel a little bad

Y/N: As i said earlier, it wasn't much...it's okay

???: but i insist..pleaasee

Y/N: uhhh fine..do you mind keeping my company then, i feel a bit woozy today

???: Woozi?

Y/N: i mean i'm a little out of it

???: oh sure if that's what you want

Y/N:Not that i want it but you insisted on doing something

We walked and talked abt random things like favourite colours and animals until we came across a bench...we sat down and i took out my phone to change the song but what i didn't know was that he was looking at my screen..

???: POV

The girl...i'm now realising i don't even know her name...well she took out her phone and i saw she changed the song she was listening to,  to Seventeen's hug..i was a little surprised..

???: you listen to Seventeen?

Y/N: mhm i'm a Carat, are you?

???: me? Y-yeah i'm a Carat too, what's your favourite song?

Y/N: (insert the name of your favourite seventeen song )😉

???: Ohh that's nice, who's your favourite member?

Y/N: You


To Be Continued.....

A/N: hiii :) How is it so far? probably not that good..but i hope you liked it💕

Keep loving SEVENTEEN and don't forget to STREAM!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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