Chapter two - New feeling

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Yumeko POV

Walking through the halls, I see him. The blonde man who's name was Punz. I sigh. 
"Dont do it Yumeko." Wilbur told me. Glaring at the British man, I walk over. The entire time I'm walking, Punz is just standing there, smiling at me. Suddenly, its Arrival night again. 
Visibly confused, I look at Punz, who was still in the uniform. He takes me hand, smiling.
"Yumeko Kage. Sounds so familiar." He states, looking right into my soul. Heat rises to my cheeks. But why? All he did was say my name. 
Punz chuckles and pulls me closer. "If Wilbur wasnt looking, I'd do something right now." He says, smiling still. I look over and see him and George. Unlike Wilbur, he was nodding and laughing. 
I look back at Punz. "It doesnt matter..." I mumbled. "He's not in control of us..."
The blonde smirks more, chuckling. "Well then. Prepare, Yumeko."
He leans in, closing the gap between us. I feel his breath on mine, getting more and more closer...


I sit up, breathing heavily. Of course I had a dream where I nearly kiss Punz. 
I decide to just get ready for the day and forget about the dream. There's no point worrying about it, since I'm probably not going to see him anyways...
I get the uniform on and my door bursts open, revealing my sister.
"Ooooo cute uniform. If only I had that." She fake pouts and chuckles. I look at the uniform and smile. Yeah. Its cute.

I adjust the skirt and turn a little

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I adjust the skirt and turn a little. I wonder if he'll still look at me like he did Arrival night... I shake my head. I cant be falling for a man yet.


I arrive at the school, and immediately a guy with fluffy brown hair runs to me, smiling wide. 
"Hi! Your Yumeko Kage, right?" He says, his voice sounding energetic. I smile and nod. He introduced himself as Karl. 
Karl then grabs my wrist, lightly of course, and lead me to the hallway. 
"I'll introduce you to everyone!" he says, face lighten up with joy. Turning a few corners, a certain person catches my eye. The same blonde guy at arrival night.
I make eye contact with him as Karl drags me along. He doesnt seem to recognise me, which is a good sign.
Karl enters into an empty classroom. Well, empty besides 4 others. I look at them; Clay, Nick and George, plus the guy who spoke to me in Spanish. The moment we walked in, George looked at me and smiled wide. He nudges Nick and Clay, causing the two to also look at me and smile. The Spanish speaking one just stays on his phone. I walk over to him and take of the beanie that sits on his head. Immediately, he turns and see's me, his expression changing. The Spanish speaking guy smiles softly at me. I smile back at him, both of us staring at each other. 
"Alright! Alex and Yumeko, we dont need you guys hooking up first day!" Nick jokes. The man who speaks Spanish, Alex I assume his name is, lightly hits Nick on the back of the head.
"Nah man, your just jealous." 

After a long time of talking, we all head to our classes.
"Oi! Yumeko!" Nick calls. I turn to him and nearly laugh. He had a goofy smile on, almost contagious. 
Alone in the hall with the male, his face goes serious. "You need to be honest with me, do you have any feelings towards Punz?" He asks. I freeze, my heartbeat in my ears, heartrate rocketing. 
Punz. Do I like him? That question has always lingered in my mind, basically haunting me. I look at Nick's face, now slightly looking annoyed.
I shake my head, deciding to answer. 
"I'm honestly not sure. My heartrate tends to spike up whenever he's around, speaking to me, or people mention him. I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears, and this sharping stabbing feeling goes through me. I've never felt this before, so I wouldnt know if I liked him or not."
Nick's expression softened, a small smile forming. "I'm sure its just butterflies, Yumeko."
I nod. Butterflies. This new feeling is butterflies.


Punz POV
Its lunch, and I'm currently alone. Its good. Its nice. Its peaceful. 
Looking up from my phone, I see the new girl. I wish she wasnt blonde. Otherwise, I might be able to trust her. All the other blonde girls have played me many times. 
Yumeko, was her name. Yumeko Kage. I smirk a little, noticing she was with Clay. They seem to be getting along. 
Standing, I walk over to them, long strides across the path. Arriving at the two, I smile at them. 
"Mind if I join you two?" I ask, trying my best to sound genuine. Yumeko looks at me, immediately freezing and eyes wide, a blush creeping along her face. Clay just smiles back. 
"Yeah sure man, go ahead."
I sit across from them, Yumeko's head down and her glasses falling. I push them back up her nose before they come completely off. She raises her head a little, her lips slightly parted and her eyes staring. I noticed something different towards her.
Icy blue hides behind those black rimmed glasses, shining whenever light hits it. The tint of pink across her cheeks, as well as a galaxy of freckles. 
The eye contact we were making made my heart race and my face kind of warm. This new feeling was very different, it felt, goofy.
Sighing, Clay whispers to Yumeko and she giggles, breaking out of the trance we were in. 

Whatever I just felt, looking at Yumeko, I dont like it, and I want it to leave.

971 words. Sorry it took me 2 months lmfao I am loosing so much motivation.
Thanks for reading !

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